Friday, December 29, 2006

Paint A New Future

Do you ever feel like painting a new future for yourself? The desire to reinvent oneself in ways that are more aligned with one's authenticity is a divine desire.

Listen to the song in your soul. When you hear the soft melody playing, embrace it. Turn up the channel and listen to what the inner voice is saying to you and seek to understand what it all means, within the context of who you are and the gifts you have been given.

Perhaps you are being called to a new career. To a career that is more aligned to the greatest passions of your heart.

For some perhaps the call is to open a Painting Franchise.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

You Cannot Advance by Looking Back

You Cannot Advance by Looking Back
By Ann Stewart

Jesus said that no man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God! Jesus was talking about once you have given your life to Him, you should not allow the former things of the world seduce you back from following Him. (Luke 9: 62)

This is a great verbal picture of the plowman. It depicts how, once the plow has been set in motion, the only way to keep the furrows ramrod straight the plowman has to focus his gaze at his destination! The furrow will follow the line of the farmer’s gaze! You can well imagine what would happen if he turned completely around on that plow!

Another account about looking back is the story of Lot’s wife. The Lord had issued an order to Lot not to look back if he and his family wanted to be saved. His wife did, and she turned into a pillar of salt! Wow, that was rather drastic, wasn’t it? But when God issues a command, be assured that He already knows the end result. Most importantly, He knows the heart. It can be assumed that in this case Lot’s wife had a longing to return to the evil God had saved her from. (Gen. 19: 17; 20: 26)

Where is your focus? Are you a new creation in Christ but have trouble walking the narrow path He has laid out for you? Psychoanalysts teach that all your troubles stem from your upbringing, and that parents and circumstances are to blame for your present troubles. It is true that you form opinions, attitudes and feelings according to your past. However, it is also a fact that identical twins with the identical past history can have totally different perspectives on their future. That indicates that you do have a choice in how you react to your past and focus on the future.

The bottom line is that God has your future in His hand and He has given you a hope and a purpose. He is your Creator. He did not make puppets. He has given you choices. You alone can choose whether to follow Him, accept His unconditional Love for you, and ask Him to make you a brand new creature. He is there for you. That is what Jesus did for you on the cross. No matter how horrendous your past or how vile your sins, He loves you with an everlasting Love!

You may be thinking that is all well and good for others, but nobody knows what you’ve been going through. You’re absolutely right! BUT GOD! He is always there with the Answer for Every situation. His Blood, shed on the cross for you, covers every sin, hurt, sickness and turmoil.
He is the only One you can truly Trust!

It is He who has called you to be righteous through His Blood. He will hold you by the hand and keep you safe. He teaches that what happened in the past is gone forever. He is declaring new things over your life, and will even tell you what is to come! He will turn your eyes in a new direction, bring light into your darkness, and make everything that is crooked in your life straight! (Isa. 42: 6,9,16)

Just as the plowman turns the soil to prepare it to receive and sprout new seed, so will the Lord turn over the fallow ground of your heart and sow His seed of Love into you! All you need to do is choose not to concentrate on your past, but keep your gaze steadfastly on Him!

Remember, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! The peace of God, which is beyond all human understanding, shall keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4: 13,7)

Ann is the author of “With Wings as Eagles,” an inspirational and encouraging testimonial of how we can overcome terrible circumstances in our lives.
She is dedicated to help and encourage others to stand strong spiritually, emotionally and physically. Get her f*ree ezine, worth $79,here:
To learn more about the author and her book go to:

Article Source:

Sunday, December 10, 2006

What Is Up With That Old Curmudgeon?

"He sure had a big smile on his face. What do you suppose is up with that old curmudgeon of a man?"

"I think he has a girl friend!"

"You don't say! Wow! That is wonderful! No wonder he has been nicer around here lately."

"Promise not to tell anyone, ok?"


"He said he was leaving early because he needed to go get his Viagra!"

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I'm Looking Into A Fleck Water Softener For My Home

I'll never forget the telephone conversation I shared with a water sales rep after buying my last house.

He was a nice young man who was interested in helping me have better water at my home.

"I didn't know I had a problem with my water. It didn't show up in the inspection." I told him.

Having been smack dab in the middle of bible study when he called, I proceeded to talk with him at length about living water. "Living water is the only water I need." I told him.

Of course, in addition to living water, I really do want great water so that is why I'm looking into
getting a Fleck water softener for my home.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Finding Raleigh Real Estate

"Tell me about the house you are making an offer on?"

"It has a Southern country flair with a great wrap-around porch with swings and rocking chairs that are painted in the same deep green as the shutters."

"Do the rocking chairs come with the house, too?"

"Absolutely, we are including it on the buyer's / seller's contract."

"I am so happy that you were successful finding Raleigh Real Estate!"

Vacation Eating: Orlando

One of my favorite aspects of going on vacation, is the adventure of dining at different restaurants.

Whenever I travel, I always ask the locals, one very important question: What are the best restaurants around here?

With my time in a new place so limited, I want to be sure to experience the cream of the crop.

Orlando Vacations are one of the world's favorite vacation destinations for people from all walks of life. But like anywhere, Orlando has its share of the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to eating establishments. By all means, ask around and find the better restaurants, to dine at to enhance your stay.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Weight Loss Formulas

Dieting really isn't all that bad. I started on a diet at the very end of October of this year and so far I've lost a little bit over 20 pounds.

Through the years, I've tried just about everything to lose weight.

From diet pills to weight loss centers.

In the end, perhaps it just boils down to having a little help with some proven weight loss formulas and really getting attentive as to why you are overweight in the first place.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Outer Banks Is A Favorite Vacation Destination

North Carolina's Outer Banks is a series of barrier islands in the Atlantic Ocean. These islands stretch from the Virginia state line southward to Cape Lookout.

The islands are linked together by bridges and ferries.

The Outer Banks area is a great vacation destination for people with many different interests. Whether you come for adventure sports or simply to stroll the sandy beaches... the Outer Banks will most certainly become one of your favorite vacation destinations, too.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Raleigh North Carolina Real Estate

"Will you go to Raleigh with me next weekend and look at houses?" Jim asked the girl of his dreams.

"Absolutely. I would be honored!"

Jim was esctatic. He knew he was on schedule with his surprise.

Jim had big plans for the upcoming weekend. Not only was he planning on buying a house, but he was planning on proposing to the lady with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life. He was pretty certain she would say yes.

Now it was time to locate the perfect piece of Raleigh North Carolina Real Estate .

Dreaming of An Orlando Vacation

Sitting poolside with our feet dangling in the tepid water, after a day at Epcot, the tall good looking cowboy posed a question.

"Kathi, what would you think about buying an Orlando Vacation home?"

"How cool would that be!" I exclaimed "I would love that!"

"Great! I thought you would love the idea. Tomorrow after church we have an appointment at 2 pm to look at some properties."

"This vacation is turning into a dream come true!" I said as I planted a big kiss on the tall good looking cowboy and began dreaming of a lifetime of Orlando vacations in our very own vacation home.

Monday, September 25, 2006

We Come As We Are!

"We come as we are."

We come as we are ... are such simple words, yet they form quite a profound concept for anyone struggling with feelings of insecurity and/ or judgmentalism.

It is in these words I am discovering a profound kernel of truth and encouragement for this journey.

If we can accept that all of us come as we are, we will not be so hard on ourselves. Perhaps we will not be so hard on others, as well.

Let us simply praise that we are willing to come as we are, in all our brokenness,
and to surrender ourselves to God to be molded and refined step by step to be more like him. What an exciting journey it can be if we can release our grasp on our feelings of insecurity and attitudes of judgmentalism and simply marvel at the wonderful work God is doing in each other's lives. Every life is a work in progress by our creator... how blessed we are when we get to watch or get even a small glimpse into how THE LORD crafts a unique one-of a-kind masterpiece.

Don't be afraid to come as you are...and don't be afraid to let God do his thing in your life!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Kudos To Creators!

Tonight I surfed in to revisit some of my blogs. A teardrop falls on my cheek. I am in deep awe and appreciation to the creators and sustainers that have gifted the world with Blogspot. In a world where most things come with a sizeable price tag, Blogger/ Blogspot takes nothing and only gives! In the ten months since I jumped into the world of blogging and started over 40 blogs, Blogger has never charged me a dime! It is amazing! It is so amazing that there is something so powerful, so user friendly that is so free! I love Blogspot!

Writing, for me is like breathing. Word by word, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, volume by volume. Today my collection of private hand-written journals are too numerous to count. The journals fill a large antique chest and chronicle the journey of the last ten years. From the divine and truly extraordinary inspirations that for some mysterious reason found fertile ground in the brokeness of my soul to the mediocre human ramblings that paint vivid pictures of my journey through the Valley of Baca.

Yes, I am still somewhat uncomfortable sharing and baring the true depth of my soul beyond the safety of my private journals. But because of this experience with Blogspot, I have been able to begin to share just a little bit. I believe that inside of me there are so many books and so many stories to tell. Will I live long enough to share the beautiful and profound stories of the ONE who transformed my devastating pain to joy beyond my wildest imagination? The One who taught me that
true joy is not based on the waves of one's circumstances or the balance of one's bank account but rather is based on a vital moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day, situation by situation relationship with HIM, The CREATOR!

Kudos to THE LORD Almighty!!

And Kudos to the wonderful people at Blogspot who gave me a place to share a little bit of myself. A place that is kind of hidden away, but unlike my other writings that are stowed away and unavailable for viewing, these can actually be found if someone is mysteriously led to them.

With billions of bits of information in cyberspace, I trust that anyone happening upon these words are sent by a power greater than us. Perhaps HE led me to string together a sentence that might just make a difference to another person's life... perhaps that person is YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU IN RICH ABUNDANCE and may you find that your best life is discovered in a unique ministry with HIM... for it is in that ministry you will discover not only the purpose for why He created you but the greatest joy of your life!!

Agape!! Kathi Dameron

Friday, June 23, 2006

To Blossom

"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~ Anais Nin

Thursday, April 20, 2006

God Does Great Things!

God Does Great Things! God has the ability to restore us, our lives, and everything that seeks to bring glory to him beyond our wildest imagination! The following verses are from Psalm 126 ~ A Psalm of Celebration!! My heart leapt for joy as I read these words this morning during my devotion time. May they do the same for you!
May your tears turn to songs of joy!! Agape!!

"When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion,
we were like men who dreamed.
Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
"The Lord has done great things for them."
The Lord has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.

Restore our fortunes, O Lord,
like streams in the Negev.
Those who sow in tears
will reap with songs of joy.
He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him."
~ Psalm 126 ~ Bible, New International Version Life Application Study Bible

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Basking In His Presence

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast!" ~ Psalm 139: 9-10

There is such a place where mere mortals can bask in the presence of the divine.

Basking in HIS presence is a gift to all, regardless of the circumstances that bind you.

What are your circumstances?

Are you looking for a safe harbor?

Are you looking for a sanctuary of true, authentic love?

Are you tired of all the cheap imitations and starving to death for the real thing?

Are you hoping for the promise and delivery of unconditional love that accepts you just as you are today and will lead you into tomorrow with a new hope ~ a better hope?

For anyone who has ever dreamed of something better and more extraordinary and secretly hoped to rise on the wings of the dawn, and settle on the far side of the sea! And for anyone else who doesn't quite know what exactly that means ... there is a safe harbor and a launching pad with your name on it! It is available quite simply by asking with sincerity within the quiet of your own soul.

Deuteronomy 4:29 promises, " But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart and all your soul."

We live in a world where we often seize impulsive short term fixes rather than seeking out eternal solutions to the difficulties of life here and now. And then we wonder why there is a nagging emptiness deep inside our souls. We discover that what we thought could satisfy our inner hunger - has failed to do what we hoped it would.

Yet there is a hope that is real and will not fail you in delivering on the promises and solutions of something supremely better. This hope is constant and consistent despite a broken and ever changing world. It is consistent regardless of the fluctuating circumstances of your life. It is "AGAPE" ... the perfect and unconditional love of Our Creator. Agape is a love that no matter how many mistakes you've carved into your life... it is a pure and authentic love that is available to you right now, TODAY by simply surrendering to it and allowing it to transform you into the person you were created to be.

How do you do this?

You can do this right now by asking God to make HIS Presence alive within you!

You can begin by simply saying:

Dear God,
I want to know you! I want to feel your presence! Please help me to open my heart to YOUR LOVE! I love you Lord!! Amen.

Dear Reader: If you would like for me to pray with or for you, please drop me an e-mail. It would be an honor and a privilege to pray in unity with you. Agape! Kathi

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron March 9, 2006

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Heart of The Family

The Christian Family Library at Agape Cove Living Presents:

The Heart of the Family: Laughter and Tears from a Real Family by Adrian Plass

A funny, poignant, and moving look at the nature of family life. Families are funny. They can be sheer heaven or they can be--well, less than heavenly. One thing is for sure, though. The happiest of family members will readily concede that tears are as essential as laughter if we are to survive the dramatic peaks and troughs of close human interaction. This is no less true when love is unconditional and there is a real generosity of spirit in those concerned. Through fiction and fact, poetry and prose, this book opens the lid of family life and invites the reader to explore the richly varied and entertaining events and characters that he or she will discover there.

This collection of homely treasures will certainly make us smile, and there is a very good chance that some of them will make us cry.

The book is divided into seven sections:

- The problem with perfection

- Communication--a crucial factor in family life

- The patterns of family life

- Priorities--which can be tricky

- The power of the past to influence us

- The death of loved ones

- The Father's love--most important of all

As you will see in the course of this book, this is as true in the family of the church as it is anywhere else. The heart of the family is love, and at the heart of love you will find God.

ISBN: 0007130473Publisher: Zondervan Publishing Company Hardcover: 304 pages

Retail Price: $16.99 / Agape Cove Price Your cost: $12.74 You save $4.25 (25%)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Are You Limiting What God Can Do?

Are You Limiting What God Can Do?

Read John 6:1-14

After reading John 6:1-14 take a look at the three different things that Jesus said in these passages.

In John 6:5 Jesus poses the question to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" In the Bible this question is immediately followed by a sentence that tells the reader that Jesus only asked this question to test Philip. The Bible tells us that Jesus already had in mind what he was going to do.

So what was the point...why would Jesus ask Philip this question?

What lesson does Jesus teach by posing this simple question?

Do you think that this question will serve as a bridge to a teachable moment?

What lesson do we as the reader see illuminated here in respect to resources and the possibilities that are available through Jesus Christ?

Without going to purchase bread, Jesus performed a miracle. In John 6:10 Jesus said,
"Have the people sit down." Through a young child's offering of five small barley loaves and two fish, Jesus was able to feed five thousand people. What an amazing miracle!

One thing that this miracle says to me is... "Let us never dismiss
the day of small things, because in the Lord's hands HE can use whatever we have to offer and turn it into something great!"

Is there something in your life that God is calling you to offer that could feed others?

After the people are fed, Jesus speaks once again with another powerful lesson that is profoundly linked when he says, "Gather the pieces that are leftover. Let nothing be wasted."

What is Jesus teaching about leftovers?

Have you had a John 6:1-14 experience in your life? If so, try to describe the experience in a way that shows that God can take the smallest of offerings and multiply them into something far above and beyond human understanding.

The feeding of the 5000 represented a powerful miracle.

What are some of the miracles that have impacted your life?

What is considered to be the GREATEST MIRACLE OF HISTORY?

If you believe that THE RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ is indeed the greatest miracle that the world has ever experienced, then do you also believe in the limitless power that Jesus extends to HIS true followers?

What do you think of Jesus' statement in John 14:12 when Jesus declares, "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these..." ?

Are you limiting what God can do?

Are you programmed by the world we live in to respond like Philip did to the question Jesus posed to him? Are you accepting only the limits of man and mortal commonsense and dismissing the unlimited potential of the divine?

Dear Lord,
Help us to be open and teachable to your tests and your lessons. Help us to trust that all things are possible through you. Open our hearts that we will joyfully bring our offerings to you, regardless of how small they may appear. For we believe in your extraordinary ability to provide the increase according to your will.
In Jesus Name ~ Amen

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron March 30, 2006

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Welcome To Agape Cove!

Welcome To Agape Cove! ( Please excuse the dust! We are under construction)

Agape - A state of unconditional love. Considered the ultimate goal of life.

Cove - A small sheltered bay in the shoreline of a sea, river, or lake. A recess or small valley in the side of a mountain.

Thanks for surfing in to Agape Cove! Agape Cove is the creative work in progress and joyful expression of Kathi Dameron's passion for spiritual and gourmet food within the context of living a balanced and meaningful life.

May your visit here be fulfilling & refreshing! Whether you came to shop for gourmet food and flowers, ideas for your wedding reception, resources for living a more balanced and meaningful life, or answers to some of life's biggest questions... may you find the inspiration, resources, and solutions that will add value to your life in positive and encouraging ways.

Spiritual Food

Gourmet Food / Flowers ~ Click and Order Parties

Weddings ~ Wedding Reception Menus, Wedding Reception Consulting, Wedding Resources

Building A Balanced Foundation
1. Spiritual Well-Being ~ Everything Begins With Prayer
2. Health and Wellness ~ The Temple of God / How To Take Good Care of Our Bodies
3. A Loving Heart ~ Surrendered to God / How To Surrender Ourselves To Our Creator
4. A Loving Home ~ Creating A Beautiful Home Life That Glorifies God
5. Sharing The Harvest ~ A Fruitful Life / How To Return The Blessing To God

Called To Ministry?
How To Start Your Own Unique Ministry. What dream is in your heart? Do you need a launching pad for the unique dream God has planted in your heart?

Contact Us
Kathi Dameron 850-422-3599

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What's New at Agape Cove

What's New At Agape Cove?

1.) An Interview With A Spread The Word Ministries Bookstore Owner at or

2.) Some Original Recipes from Kathi at

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Thought For Today

"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among these fibers as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects." Herman Melville

Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Season of Listening

For those who have followed some of my blogs and wondered why there have been so few postings in the last week... my response would be that I have entered a season of silence.

It is no mistake that the Lord created us with two ears and one mouth.

And so in a spirit of silence, I listen for new insights and fresh messages from the Lord. I am overwhelmed by the work of God's hands and need time to integrate that which is happening.
I also wonder: have I mastered the intended lessons of prior seasons or do I have to go through them all over again. Repeating old lessons is not any fun. Why can't I get the lesson and just move on? While some of life's lessons are a breeze to sail through, there are others that shipwreck me every time.

Prayer is and always will be the answer! Prayer requires two ears and one mouth. Perhaps it is because of the simplicity that we can often overlook the divine solution that is available to each of us in every circumstance of our lives.

"Of course I pray!"

"Yes, but did you pray about this?"

Dear Lord,
Thank You for your amazing love! Please help me to remember to ask for your help and your guidance in all of the circumstances of my life and to listen to your response. Please help me to master my life lessons according to your will. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

What's Baking for Saturday, January 7, 2006 ?

Saturday, January 7, 2006

Here is an index of my postings for today (updated throughout the day, if applicable.) With over 22 different blogs, I thought it might be helpful to have a central place to list new postings from my other blogs.

1. My first posting today was inspired by an e-mail I received from my friend, Lorie.
I've titled it Life 101 ~ Lessons From The Kitchen and it is posted on my Camp Agape Cove
Blog. Here is a link to the posting.

2. While still considering the theme of patience, this gem of wisdom from Mother Teresa jumped off the page and right into my heart this morning. From an absolutely wonderful little book, Everything Starts From Prayer ~ Mother Teresa's Meditations On Spiritual Life For People Of All Faiths comes this quote:

"We impatiently await God's paradise,
but we have it in our hands the power
to be in paradise right here and now.
Being happy with God means this:
to love as he loves,
to help as he helps,
to give as he gives,
to serve as he serves."

Agape! Kathi

Friday, January 06, 2006

Investing 101~ Five Ways To Earn Additional Income In 2006

Investing 101 ~ Five Ways To Earn Additional Income In 2006
By Kathi Dameron

How would you like to add an additional stream of revenue to your monthly finances?

Suppose you had an extra two hundred, two thousand, or even more a month to work with... what kinds of things could you accomplish?

Would you like to send your children to a private school, save for a college education, put away for a special vacation, start a retirement nest egg, and /or just have enough monthly revenue coming in to make ends meet?

If you are a Christian and have a passion for building up the body of Christ and like the idea of being on the cutting edge of an exciting opportunity that will reward you for your efforts, perhaps the company I work with will be an answer to your prayers for additional financial provisions. We have the opportunity through our products to transform lives for eternity.
Our products are Christian books that transform lives and Christian music that restores the soul. This is a company that while it is only four years young .. it is dynamic, continually evolving, legitimate, and adds immense value to people's lives.

Some people choose to work this business on a full time basis and others as a part-time home based business / ministry. However, you choose to work it.... it is truly an exciting community to be a part of. The community is a blessing all its own, even apart from the business aspect of this organization.

I would like to invite you to come and listen in on one of our many weekly calls so that you can get the pulse beat of what we are doing and how this organization is building up the body of believers. You can come, lurk anonymously on a call or if you want I would love to three way you into the call with me. Either way... this is an opportunity that offers a divine glimpse into the way GOD is working through our community of believers. It is an opportunity unlike anything you might expect. We offer a legitimate and viable home based business with eternal impact.

On the call you will hear about our business / ministry, five ways to earn additional income, and hear stories and testimonies of lives that are being impacted through our work. You'll hear about how the Marketplace helps writers, musicians, and artists to build recognition of their products in dynamic ways, you'll hear stories about how mission trips have been funded with revenue earned, you'll hear stories about wahm moms staying at home with their children, families doing things they never dreamed possible, and so much more. You will hear from believers across America whose lives are being impacted in powerful ways to reach out in fulfillment of The Great Commission.

Since every call is live, I can't guarantee the exact testimonies you will hear... but I promise they will warm your heart. Where else can you go six days a week to connect with friends and hear
what God is doing? This is by far my most favorite part of our community. We come from every Christian denomination united for one purpose: to build up the body of Christ in our 21st Century World.

For more information please contact Kathi Dameron at 850-422-3599

Call Schedule

More Information

Thursday, January 05, 2006

My postings for today can be read at the following blogs:

1.) Daily Inspired thoughts on The Passionate Journey through life:

2. Evangelism and CES Emerging Technologies ~ Don't Miss The Boat
See how today's innovation can make a difference with a global impact!

If for some reason the current day's posting is not listed, just go to the archive area and you should be able to read my most recent post. Sometimes it just takes a while to get through the queue and get posted on the main page.

Agape! Kathi

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

My postings for today can be read at the following blogs. I now have over 22 blogs.

1.) Inspired thoughts on The Passionate Journey through life :

2.) Job Openings in IT Dept. For PHP Certified , Church, Ministry, & Non-Profit Sales Staff,
and Business Builders :

Agape! Kathi

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year ~ Will 2006 Be Your Best Year?

Happy New Year and Welcome 2006 !

Ah, the birth of twelve beautiful, fresh blocks of time. Despite the vast differences in the available resources of nations and people, what an ironic gift that TIME, one of the greatest treasures of all is and always will be equally doled out. We all get the same measure of hours in a day and the same measure of days in a year, yet it is through our individual and unique responses that the differences play out like the notes of an opus. It is my prayer that 2006 will be played out like a spectacular symphony orchestrated under the divine leadership of the orchestra's conductor.

If you are mourning the loss of a loved one, may you find peace in knowing that your loved one is in the company of the divine and has merely gone on to the next stage of their spiritual journey. May you find peace in knowing that one day you will be reunited with all the loved ones that went ahead of you. May you accept that the gift of time has an equality that transcends anything our human minds can grasp, but let us all rest assured that this time on Planet Earth is simply a testing ground and your time here has a divine purpose.

Let us expand ourselves in authentic, passionate, and magnificent ways in this new year that stretches before us. Let us play out the music of our souls greater than we have ever done before. Can you hear it? Oh, can you hear it? The joyful sounds, the exuberant sounds, the tearful sounds ... all of the sounds that define us are beautiful and a part of the symphony of our lives that play out like a seasonal musical celebration of baby buds, spectacular gardens in bloom, autumn harvests, and frozen tear drops.

The greatest tragedy of this lifetime would surely be to depart this world having never shared
the sounds of one's soul. So as we look at the promise of a new year, may we make a promise to
our most authentic self to cast aside any generic mediocrity and embrace with passion the seasons of magnificence that sing in your innermost chambers. Do not keep your magnificence locked away! Find ways to share it with the world!!

Happy New Year!! Agape!!

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron January 1, 2006