Saturday, January 21, 2006
Thought For Today
"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among these fibers as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects." Herman Melville
Sunday, January 15, 2006
A Season of Listening
For those who have followed some of my blogs and wondered why there have been so few postings in the last week... my response would be that I have entered a season of silence.
It is no mistake that the Lord created us with two ears and one mouth.
And so in a spirit of silence, I listen for new insights and fresh messages from the Lord. I am overwhelmed by the work of God's hands and need time to integrate that which is happening.
I also wonder: have I mastered the intended lessons of prior seasons or do I have to go through them all over again. Repeating old lessons is not any fun. Why can't I get the lesson and just move on? While some of life's lessons are a breeze to sail through, there are others that shipwreck me every time.
Prayer is and always will be the answer! Prayer requires two ears and one mouth. Perhaps it is because of the simplicity that we can often overlook the divine solution that is available to each of us in every circumstance of our lives.
"Of course I pray!"
"Yes, but did you pray about this?"
Dear Lord,
Thank You for your amazing love! Please help me to remember to ask for your help and your guidance in all of the circumstances of my life and to listen to your response. Please help me to master my life lessons according to your will. In Jesus Name. Amen.
It is no mistake that the Lord created us with two ears and one mouth.
And so in a spirit of silence, I listen for new insights and fresh messages from the Lord. I am overwhelmed by the work of God's hands and need time to integrate that which is happening.
I also wonder: have I mastered the intended lessons of prior seasons or do I have to go through them all over again. Repeating old lessons is not any fun. Why can't I get the lesson and just move on? While some of life's lessons are a breeze to sail through, there are others that shipwreck me every time.
Prayer is and always will be the answer! Prayer requires two ears and one mouth. Perhaps it is because of the simplicity that we can often overlook the divine solution that is available to each of us in every circumstance of our lives.
"Of course I pray!"
"Yes, but did you pray about this?"
Dear Lord,
Thank You for your amazing love! Please help me to remember to ask for your help and your guidance in all of the circumstances of my life and to listen to your response. Please help me to master my life lessons according to your will. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
What's Baking for Saturday, January 7, 2006 ?
Saturday, January 7, 2006
Here is an index of my postings for today (updated throughout the day, if applicable.) With over 22 different blogs, I thought it might be helpful to have a central place to list new postings from my other blogs.
1. My first posting today was inspired by an e-mail I received from my friend, Lorie.
I've titled it Life 101 ~ Lessons From The Kitchen and it is posted on my Camp Agape Cove
Blog. Here is a link to the posting.
2. While still considering the theme of patience, this gem of wisdom from Mother Teresa jumped off the page and right into my heart this morning. From an absolutely wonderful little book, Everything Starts From Prayer ~ Mother Teresa's Meditations On Spiritual Life For People Of All Faiths comes this quote:
"We impatiently await God's paradise,
but we have it in our hands the power
to be in paradise right here and now.
Being happy with God means this:
to love as he loves,
to help as he helps,
to give as he gives,
to serve as he serves."
Agape! Kathi
Here is an index of my postings for today (updated throughout the day, if applicable.) With over 22 different blogs, I thought it might be helpful to have a central place to list new postings from my other blogs.
1. My first posting today was inspired by an e-mail I received from my friend, Lorie.
I've titled it Life 101 ~ Lessons From The Kitchen and it is posted on my Camp Agape Cove
Blog. Here is a link to the posting.
2. While still considering the theme of patience, this gem of wisdom from Mother Teresa jumped off the page and right into my heart this morning. From an absolutely wonderful little book, Everything Starts From Prayer ~ Mother Teresa's Meditations On Spiritual Life For People Of All Faiths comes this quote:
"We impatiently await God's paradise,
but we have it in our hands the power
to be in paradise right here and now.
Being happy with God means this:
to love as he loves,
to help as he helps,
to give as he gives,
to serve as he serves."
Agape! Kathi
Friday, January 06, 2006
Investing 101~ Five Ways To Earn Additional Income In 2006
Investing 101 ~ Five Ways To Earn Additional Income In 2006
By Kathi Dameron
How would you like to add an additional stream of revenue to your monthly finances?
Suppose you had an extra two hundred, two thousand, or even more a month to work with... what kinds of things could you accomplish?
Would you like to send your children to a private school, save for a college education, put away for a special vacation, start a retirement nest egg, and /or just have enough monthly revenue coming in to make ends meet?
If you are a Christian and have a passion for building up the body of Christ and like the idea of being on the cutting edge of an exciting opportunity that will reward you for your efforts, perhaps the company I work with will be an answer to your prayers for additional financial provisions. We have the opportunity through our products to transform lives for eternity.
Our products are Christian books that transform lives and Christian music that restores the soul. This is a company that while it is only four years young .. it is dynamic, continually evolving, legitimate, and adds immense value to people's lives.
Some people choose to work this business on a full time basis and others as a part-time home based business / ministry. However, you choose to work it.... it is truly an exciting community to be a part of. The community is a blessing all its own, even apart from the business aspect of this organization.
I would like to invite you to come and listen in on one of our many weekly calls so that you can get the pulse beat of what we are doing and how this organization is building up the body of believers. You can come, lurk anonymously on a call or if you want I would love to three way you into the call with me. Either way... this is an opportunity that offers a divine glimpse into the way GOD is working through our community of believers. It is an opportunity unlike anything you might expect. We offer a legitimate and viable home based business with eternal impact.
On the call you will hear about our business / ministry, five ways to earn additional income, and hear stories and testimonies of lives that are being impacted through our work. You'll hear about how the Marketplace helps writers, musicians, and artists to build recognition of their products in dynamic ways, you'll hear stories about how mission trips have been funded with revenue earned, you'll hear stories about wahm moms staying at home with their children, families doing things they never dreamed possible, and so much more. You will hear from believers across America whose lives are being impacted in powerful ways to reach out in fulfillment of The Great Commission.
Since every call is live, I can't guarantee the exact testimonies you will hear... but I promise they will warm your heart. Where else can you go six days a week to connect with friends and hear
what God is doing? This is by far my most favorite part of our community. We come from every Christian denomination united for one purpose: to build up the body of Christ in our 21st Century World.
For more information please contact Kathi Dameron at 850-422-3599
Call Schedule
More Information
By Kathi Dameron
How would you like to add an additional stream of revenue to your monthly finances?
Suppose you had an extra two hundred, two thousand, or even more a month to work with... what kinds of things could you accomplish?
Would you like to send your children to a private school, save for a college education, put away for a special vacation, start a retirement nest egg, and /or just have enough monthly revenue coming in to make ends meet?
If you are a Christian and have a passion for building up the body of Christ and like the idea of being on the cutting edge of an exciting opportunity that will reward you for your efforts, perhaps the company I work with will be an answer to your prayers for additional financial provisions. We have the opportunity through our products to transform lives for eternity.
Our products are Christian books that transform lives and Christian music that restores the soul. This is a company that while it is only four years young .. it is dynamic, continually evolving, legitimate, and adds immense value to people's lives.
Some people choose to work this business on a full time basis and others as a part-time home based business / ministry. However, you choose to work it.... it is truly an exciting community to be a part of. The community is a blessing all its own, even apart from the business aspect of this organization.
I would like to invite you to come and listen in on one of our many weekly calls so that you can get the pulse beat of what we are doing and how this organization is building up the body of believers. You can come, lurk anonymously on a call or if you want I would love to three way you into the call with me. Either way... this is an opportunity that offers a divine glimpse into the way GOD is working through our community of believers. It is an opportunity unlike anything you might expect. We offer a legitimate and viable home based business with eternal impact.
On the call you will hear about our business / ministry, five ways to earn additional income, and hear stories and testimonies of lives that are being impacted through our work. You'll hear about how the Marketplace helps writers, musicians, and artists to build recognition of their products in dynamic ways, you'll hear stories about how mission trips have been funded with revenue earned, you'll hear stories about wahm moms staying at home with their children, families doing things they never dreamed possible, and so much more. You will hear from believers across America whose lives are being impacted in powerful ways to reach out in fulfillment of The Great Commission.
Since every call is live, I can't guarantee the exact testimonies you will hear... but I promise they will warm your heart. Where else can you go six days a week to connect with friends and hear
what God is doing? This is by far my most favorite part of our community. We come from every Christian denomination united for one purpose: to build up the body of Christ in our 21st Century World.
For more information please contact Kathi Dameron at 850-422-3599
Call Schedule
More Information
Thursday, January 05, 2006
My postings for today can be read at the following blogs:
1.) Daily Inspired thoughts on The Passionate Journey through life:
2. Evangelism and CES Emerging Technologies ~ Don't Miss The Boat
See how today's innovation can make a difference with a global impact!
If for some reason the current day's posting is not listed, just go to the archive area and you should be able to read my most recent post. Sometimes it just takes a while to get through the queue and get posted on the main page.
Agape! Kathi
1.) Daily Inspired thoughts on The Passionate Journey through life:
2. Evangelism and CES Emerging Technologies ~ Don't Miss The Boat
See how today's innovation can make a difference with a global impact!
If for some reason the current day's posting is not listed, just go to the archive area and you should be able to read my most recent post. Sometimes it just takes a while to get through the queue and get posted on the main page.
Agape! Kathi
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
My postings for today can be read at the following blogs. I now have over 22 blogs.
1.) Inspired thoughts on The Passionate Journey through life :
2.) Job Openings in IT Dept. For PHP Certified , Church, Ministry, & Non-Profit Sales Staff,
and Business Builders :
Agape! Kathi
1.) Inspired thoughts on The Passionate Journey through life :
2.) Job Openings in IT Dept. For PHP Certified , Church, Ministry, & Non-Profit Sales Staff,
and Business Builders :
Agape! Kathi
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year ~ Will 2006 Be Your Best Year?
Happy New Year and Welcome 2006 !
Ah, the birth of twelve beautiful, fresh blocks of time. Despite the vast differences in the available resources of nations and people, what an ironic gift that TIME, one of the greatest treasures of all is and always will be equally doled out. We all get the same measure of hours in a day and the same measure of days in a year, yet it is through our individual and unique responses that the differences play out like the notes of an opus. It is my prayer that 2006 will be played out like a spectacular symphony orchestrated under the divine leadership of the orchestra's conductor.
If you are mourning the loss of a loved one, may you find peace in knowing that your loved one is in the company of the divine and has merely gone on to the next stage of their spiritual journey. May you find peace in knowing that one day you will be reunited with all the loved ones that went ahead of you. May you accept that the gift of time has an equality that transcends anything our human minds can grasp, but let us all rest assured that this time on Planet Earth is simply a testing ground and your time here has a divine purpose.
Let us expand ourselves in authentic, passionate, and magnificent ways in this new year that stretches before us. Let us play out the music of our souls greater than we have ever done before. Can you hear it? Oh, can you hear it? The joyful sounds, the exuberant sounds, the tearful sounds ... all of the sounds that define us are beautiful and a part of the symphony of our lives that play out like a seasonal musical celebration of baby buds, spectacular gardens in bloom, autumn harvests, and frozen tear drops.
The greatest tragedy of this lifetime would surely be to depart this world having never shared
the sounds of one's soul. So as we look at the promise of a new year, may we make a promise to
our most authentic self to cast aside any generic mediocrity and embrace with passion the seasons of magnificence that sing in your innermost chambers. Do not keep your magnificence locked away! Find ways to share it with the world!!
Happy New Year!! Agape!!
copyright (c) Kathi Dameron January 1, 2006
Ah, the birth of twelve beautiful, fresh blocks of time. Despite the vast differences in the available resources of nations and people, what an ironic gift that TIME, one of the greatest treasures of all is and always will be equally doled out. We all get the same measure of hours in a day and the same measure of days in a year, yet it is through our individual and unique responses that the differences play out like the notes of an opus. It is my prayer that 2006 will be played out like a spectacular symphony orchestrated under the divine leadership of the orchestra's conductor.
If you are mourning the loss of a loved one, may you find peace in knowing that your loved one is in the company of the divine and has merely gone on to the next stage of their spiritual journey. May you find peace in knowing that one day you will be reunited with all the loved ones that went ahead of you. May you accept that the gift of time has an equality that transcends anything our human minds can grasp, but let us all rest assured that this time on Planet Earth is simply a testing ground and your time here has a divine purpose.
Let us expand ourselves in authentic, passionate, and magnificent ways in this new year that stretches before us. Let us play out the music of our souls greater than we have ever done before. Can you hear it? Oh, can you hear it? The joyful sounds, the exuberant sounds, the tearful sounds ... all of the sounds that define us are beautiful and a part of the symphony of our lives that play out like a seasonal musical celebration of baby buds, spectacular gardens in bloom, autumn harvests, and frozen tear drops.
The greatest tragedy of this lifetime would surely be to depart this world having never shared
the sounds of one's soul. So as we look at the promise of a new year, may we make a promise to
our most authentic self to cast aside any generic mediocrity and embrace with passion the seasons of magnificence that sing in your innermost chambers. Do not keep your magnificence locked away! Find ways to share it with the world!!
Happy New Year!! Agape!!
copyright (c) Kathi Dameron January 1, 2006
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