Sunday, March 23, 2008

Why is it so easy to come up with excuses for not getting on my exercise equipment? Our bodies need to be exercised. I know this. But what I don't know is why I can find it so easy to fall away from a daily exercise regime. Shouldn't the stewardship of one's body be a daily priority? For those of you out there who are prayer warriors ... please pray for me ... Please pray that I will make and keep an ongoing committment to physical fitness.

A Biblical Mandate

"When strangers sojourn with you in your land, you shall not do them wrong. The strangers that sojourn with you shall be to you as the natives among you, and you shall love them as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt." ~ Leviticus 19:33-34

We have a biblical mandate to love our neighbors and welcome the sojourners among us. Hospitality is a beautiful way to begin.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Stressed Is Desserts Spelled Backwards

Eating desserts and being stressed seem to go hand-in-hand. Did you know that if you spell either word backwards, you get the other word spelled forward?

For me, indulging in one, results in the other!

If I'm stressed, I head for the desserts.

Then If I indulge in the desserts, stress will surely follow!

So I ask myself this.... what if I completely gave up desserts, what then will become of my stress? It would certainly be worth the experiment to find out!

mortgage lenders
"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on!" - Franklin D. Roosevelt

The bottom line reality is that we have all the resources that we need to accomplish our God-given mission in life. We might think (and rightly so) that we need something above and beyond what we currently have or we might even think that success in life is based on being in the right place at the right time.

I believe that each one of us came equipped at birth with the essential resources we would need in life. The sooner we can tap into the infrastructure within our very soul and connect with our creator, the sooner we can get on board with the very mission for our existence. For every human life- there is a beautiful and unique purpose. Delsey

Sunday, March 09, 2008

For the first couple months I was completely swept off my feet by the sheer breath-taking speed of our romance. One moment an unsuspecting special event designer, simply going about my business in the fascinating world of creating million dollar moments for my clients, the next, pursued, overtaken, overwhelmed by the unexpected and flatteringly insistent pleas of one of the most powerful men in the world. massage chair
There must be something in my heritage....something that was born in times before I even existed...something that I'm not even certain I can put words to.

Me? A writer... with no words?

Yes, it happens! I cannot describe the very thing that I am experiencing. There are no words. The experience has a foreign, old world flavor unlike anything I've known in this contemporary world of ours.

But let me try. It is this European desire, this desire of the old country that yearns for business and home to coexist under one roof. It is the desire for a splendid slice of urban
commercial real estate.
I've always been one to believe that every medicinal that one needs, God gave to us at the beginning of time.

Whether I am right or wrong on this, matters not. What really matters is what we believe. If you are given a placebo and told it will cure whatever ails you- if, and only if, you truly believe, then will the placebo work its miracle.

The real secret lies in the strength of your belief. If you really want to be healed, then you must really believe with every fiber of your being, otherwise you are simply wasting your time and money on something that doesn't have a chance at curing you.
