Monday, June 30, 2008

"Rain Down On Me!" Is that a lyric of a song? Or perhaps the petition of a prayer? Or is it both?

Funny how I can hear the lyrics playing across my imagination, but can't quite remember if it is part of a song, perhaps from either a classic worship hymnal or a lyric from some jazzy contemporary song.

At any rate, "Rain Down On Me!" is a beautiful petition. To me it means: "Lord, wash me and clean me and make me anew with your love so that perhaps I can go out into a lost and broken world and rain down your love in thirsty and parched soils."

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Agape Cove is a fictional place, but it doesn't have to be. Agape Cove is an idyllic place, set in my imagination down where the palm trees grow. But it is not in the Miami or Palm Beach area. Agape Cove is further south. It is on the way to Key West.

Back a few years ago I began writing a story that I titled Agape Cove. It was a wonderful experience, while my story was interesting and rich in original details, I believed that there was much I needed to learn about the art of writing. So for me---- Agape Cove was an exercise for my own benefit. I never submitted the manuscript to publishers. Perhaps one day... stay tuned!

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'm very excited! After all this time, I've come up with a doable idea on how I can incorporate the original Agape Cove Living concept into a book project with universal appeal. I really think I'm on to something. If it goes as I believe it will.... it will be HUGE!

I've always thought that you could have a brilliant idea... but the context just didn't work.

Well, with the help of God... this context WILL work in extraordinary ways.

I truly believe that we are all here for some magnificent divine purpose and our job is to figure out what that purpose is and to seek the almighty in manifesting it. But you know, I've met up with my share of red herrings along the way. Actually, too many red herrings. We just have to pray that the red herrings don't throw us off course too far and that in the overall plan they contribute something of value to the process.

Please won't you pray for me and for this new project that it will be of and for God's glory!

Thank You! Thanks for reading!

I like symbolism. I've always liked symbolism. Throughout my entire life I've had this strange and beautiful connection to symbols.

Symbols encourage me and give me hope. They whisper beautiful things to me- often these are things that no one else could possibly understand. So I keep the message deep in my heart.

Bernie would say with a great depth of conviction in his words, "A little birdie told me."

The extraordinary thing is that even though Bernie has left this mortal world for new mountain ranges, "his birdie" lives on.

Perhaps "his birdie" is my special inheritance!

His birdie is telling me things beyond my wildest imagination. I suppose the key to their manifestation is in simply BELIEVING!

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Why stay in cheap hotels when you can stay at the Ritz?

The choice is yours!

I'd prefer 1000 thread count sheets and truffles on my pillow any night to roughing it!

Imagine... what if you could stay at the resort of your dreams for less than you'd pay to stay at a roadside dive? Possible? Maybe. Maybe not.

I think the real key is sitting on the ring- the golden ring ready to be grabbed. Do you have what it takes to grab hold of it? Do you believe in yourself? Can you visualize it?

It doesn't have to be a hotel room. No. No, not at all. The hotel room is just a symbol... fill in the blank with whatever it is you want. Then go ahead and give it everything you've got. Go for it like you've never gone for anything ever before! YOU CAN DO IT!!