Do travel supplies include taking along your own photographer and publicist?
They could! They could especially if your agenda is publicity.
The question begs to be asked... is it kosher for a politician, who happens to be a top elected state official, to engage in the comingling of state business with his own blatant and non-bearded aspirations for big-time political gain?
Savvy or stupid?
Where do you draw the line? And how do you sell a fat-cat European trip (that is costing the already over-burdened and stressed out taxpayers over 250,000 buckaroos) to the folks sweating it out back home?
Sorry Charlie, it doesn't fly. We need you here. I'm sure there is great benefit to be had on the other side of the ocean, especially in the growing of your international gravitas, but can't you do the vp stuff on your own dime?
Every family, every business understands that sure there are many things that they would like to do to improve their profitability, but if times are tight, they need to rethink their m.o.
Why doesn't government get this simple and elementary concept?
My advice to you is to get back to the core of who you represented yourself to be when you were elected to be our governor. We didn't elect you to run for vice president.
At one time, I believed that not only would you make a good vp, you would make a great president, when the timing was right. You would have had my vote, just as you had it in the last election.
Unfortunately, I can not see supporting a presidential ticket with your name on it. Sorry John. If the election were today, this Independent would vote Obama.
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