"It's time! Yes, yes, yes!! It is indeed time for our order fulfillment!" He said.
"Our order fulfillment?" She responded.
"Dad, what are you talking about?" The son said.
"Well, remember when we placed our wishes in the basket? Well I am pleased to announce that each and every one of our wishes are about to be fulfilled. Mind you, not only are they about to fulfilled as asked, but their fulfillment will far exceed our wildest expectations! God is like that you know!"
"Can I hear an AMEN?"
"AMEN, AMEN, and AMEN" echoed through the house!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Imagine getting a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership and doing it online!
In today's highly competitive world we need to invest in ourselves and in our professional development. But if you are like me, and are unable to take off for a couple years and head to the Harvard Business School, here is one option that you might take a look at... it's an interdisciplinary, online leadership degree that combines cutting-edge research from the social sciences, communication field, arts, humanities, and business, into a transformative leadership masters.
This was exclusively designed for aspiring leaders with innovative Some of the things you will learn include how to:
■forge alliances
■build hope and contagious confidence
■inspire a shared vision
■turn details into action
■think creatively
■and more
Sounds like a GREAT curriculum that will stimulate and challenge the grad student to expand their ability for creative thinking, innovative problem solving and inspirational leadership. Beginning with the first course, the participant will learn leadership competencies that can be used right away and for the rest of their life, regardless of the path you take or the changes that might come.
Organizational development masters
In today's highly competitive world we need to invest in ourselves and in our professional development. But if you are like me, and are unable to take off for a couple years and head to the Harvard Business School, here is one option that you might take a look at... it's an interdisciplinary, online leadership degree that combines cutting-edge research from the social sciences, communication field, arts, humanities, and business, into a transformative leadership masters.
This was exclusively designed for aspiring leaders with innovative Some of the things you will learn include how to:
■forge alliances
■build hope and contagious confidence
■inspire a shared vision
■turn details into action
■think creatively
■and more
Sounds like a GREAT curriculum that will stimulate and challenge the grad student to expand their ability for creative thinking, innovative problem solving and inspirational leadership. Beginning with the first course, the participant will learn leadership competencies that can be used right away and for the rest of their life, regardless of the path you take or the changes that might come.
Organizational development masters
Shopping for clothes... now we are talking!
If you are anything like me, you also find it enjoyable to surf the net looking at the exciting new fashions of the season.
Blue Fly has some pretty cool clothes posted on their website that are worth a click or two! Great Christmas presents for family or friends or as a special splurge for moi...Free People!!
If you are anything like me, you also find it enjoyable to surf the net looking at the exciting new fashions of the season.
Blue Fly has some pretty cool clothes posted on their website that are worth a click or two! Great Christmas presents for family or friends or as a special splurge for moi...Free People!!
With the current temperatures of late in North Florida, I'm about ready to pack my bags and head south to a more temperate climate.
This weather is the pits. Cold, dreary and rainy to boot.
Ok, now granted it is December, but BRRRRRR I'm freezing and the worst part is that my better part has mandated a trip to the mountains after Christmas. I guess he hjust didn't realize he married a SNOWBIRD who loves warm, balmy weather all 12 months of the year.
miami vacations
This weather is the pits. Cold, dreary and rainy to boot.
Ok, now granted it is December, but BRRRRRR I'm freezing and the worst part is that my better part has mandated a trip to the mountains after Christmas. I guess he hjust didn't realize he married a SNOWBIRD who loves warm, balmy weather all 12 months of the year.
miami vacations
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
"Looking at these racks took me back to my father's garage in Oklahoma city where I remember seeing the genesis of what I am looking at now. My father had 3 racks filled with short wave radio gear in the late fifties. They were heavy, cumbersome, and somewhat unbalanced at their best. Today's racks provide a more secure easy to use interchangeabilty that makes using them almost child's play! If I had had racks like these in 1959 I might have been playing with electronics instead of pianos." ~ BB
rack mount
rack mount
Now here is a website that my husband would like! You might like it, too!
This site sells all sorts of stands and mounts for your home theatre equipment.
Pretty cool, if you ask me, and I'm not even the big TV junkee in this house!
This site sells all sorts of stands and mounts for your home theatre equipment.
Pretty cool, if you ask me, and I'm not even the big TV junkee in this house!
Friday, November 20, 2009
No matter what the circumstances are of our lives, we need to keep a positive, upward and onward attitude!
One thing that I have observed among some people with disabilities is this distorted sense of identity that they have wrapped around themselves.
While there could be some temporary comfort in this blanket, overall I believe it stifles, smothers and essentially squashes the better side of who they can become.
I don't wish to sound cold or callous or unsympathetic to their plight. I understand that they have been given a heavy cross to bear... but can't they JUST let GO and LET GOD help them to live up to their full potential despite their disabilities?
social security disability
One thing that I have observed among some people with disabilities is this distorted sense of identity that they have wrapped around themselves.
While there could be some temporary comfort in this blanket, overall I believe it stifles, smothers and essentially squashes the better side of who they can become.
I don't wish to sound cold or callous or unsympathetic to their plight. I understand that they have been given a heavy cross to bear... but can't they JUST let GO and LET GOD help them to live up to their full potential despite their disabilities?
social security disability
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
"Don't you worry! I'll have you looking all pretty and perky in no time." The cosmetologist said as she brandished the silver-lined tube of under eye cream along the sunken moon-shaped bowls of my eyes. "You really mustn't stay up so late at night..." she scolded.
"But I have a manuscript to write," I pleaded in defense.
"Puuuulease! Three New York Times Bestsellers in one year! I think you can coast for a couple nights!"
"But I have a manuscript to write," I pleaded in defense.
"Puuuulease! Three New York Times Bestsellers in one year! I think you can coast for a couple nights!"
If there is one thing I can not live without... I'd have to say it is my IPhone!
While I use it very little for chatting, I use it all the time for snapping pictures, checking e-mail, sending quick notes, surfing the net, checking the weather and crunching numbers.
I'm curious about different iphone accessories that would be handy to have.
While I use it very little for chatting, I use it all the time for snapping pictures, checking e-mail, sending quick notes, surfing the net, checking the weather and crunching numbers.
I'm curious about different iphone accessories that would be handy to have.
There is a melancholy that hovers and hangs about this place today. Like the drooping spanish moss that drapes like a lacy negligee from sturdy old oaks.
There is no reason for such gloominess, for life is good, and yet even the sky above lacks any vibrancy of color on this ho-hum November day. The sky is the color of the collective lint on a dryer screen.
Perhaps, I should peel away the lint. Then, will I be happy? Then, will the joy return?
Should I go read a good book or flip on the tube?
The new plasma tvs ...
There is no reason for such gloominess, for life is good, and yet even the sky above lacks any vibrancy of color on this ho-hum November day. The sky is the color of the collective lint on a dryer screen.
Perhaps, I should peel away the lint. Then, will I be happy? Then, will the joy return?
Should I go read a good book or flip on the tube?
The new plasma tvs ...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
In my most humble opinion, natural is by far the most superior way to go when treating all types of minor or major skin conditions. Drug stores sell all sorts of different potions and cures, but the best cures are from Mother Nature's glorious garden.
For example, the batural components listed here are said to fix acne! How cool is that? Very cool if you are one prone to breakouts. acne treatment
Organic Aloe Vera Gel ~ The aloe leaf contains over 75 nutrients and 200 active compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12 vitamins. Aloe gel has been used for topical treatment of wounds, minor burns, and skin irritations since ancient Egypt . A major part of acne treatment is healing, and nothing naural heals acne better than aloe.
White Willow Bark. The bark of the stately white willow tree (Salix alba) has been used in China for centuries as a medicine. The active ingredient in white willow is salicin, which the body converts into salicylic acid (check the label of your current acne treatment, odds are it contains white willow bark...it's the probably the best acne treatment). The salicylic acid in white willow bark lowers the body's levels of prostaglandins, hormone like compounds that can cause inflammation. Salicylic acid helps slow down shedding of skin cells, preventing clogging. Salicylic acid also helps break down blackheads and whiteheads. The salicylic acid derived from white willow bark DOES NOT have the adverse allergic reactions and irritation as the chemically derived salicylic acid.
3. Chaparral. A very expensive aqueous extract of the leaves and twigs of Larrea tridentata (Sesse & Moc.) Chaparral was taken by Indians as a remedy for curing a wide variety of ailments, including arthritis , cancer , venereal disease, tuberculosis , bowel cramps , rheumatism, and colds . Today it is applied in skin treatments used for afflictions such as acne and eczema, sores, wounds, and rashes.
4. Gotu Kola. Gotu kola is a slender, creeping plant that grows commonly in swampy areas of India , Sri Lanka , Madagascar , South Africa and the tropics. Gotu kola has been referred to as "food for the brain". This oriental herb has demonstrated mild tranquilizing, anti-anxiety and anti-stress effects, as well as improving mental functions such as concentration and memory. It has a calming effect on the body and is chiefly used to support the central nervous system. It has been used as a tonic for purification of blood and for promoting healthy skin and to treat skin inflammations.
5. Alfalfa. First discovered by the Arabs, they dubbed this valuable plant the "father of all foods". The leaves of this remarkable legume contain eight essential amino acids. Rich in protein, vitamins E and K, alfalfa restores and increases body tone. It contains an anti- fungus agent which alkalizes and detoxifies the skin. This ingredient is one of the top acne treatments.
6. Valerian root. Comes from the Latin "valere," which means "to be in good health." The plant grows in damp places throughout Europe, northern Asia, the U.S. and South America. It affects the central nervous system (CNS), and has antispasmodic, sedative, and stimulant properties to sooth your skin. It is an antibacterial which cleans deep within in the skin.
7. Green Tea. Catechins (the medicinal portion of green tea) are well recognized as powerful antioxidants. Used to enhance your skin's immunity and rebuild damaged skin cells. Useful in the treatment of acne, sun burns, chronic photo-damage, aging and the effects of environmental pollutants.
8. Walnut Shell Grit. Exfoliation is required for any top acne treatment, and nature doesn't have a better solution for exfoliation than Walnut Shell. It comes in 3 cosmetic grades. Acnexus contains the finest grit (60/200) as the ideal grade for all types of skin. Several prototypes were required for the perfection of this ingredient. We have just enough to thoroughly exfoliate dead skin cells which cause acne, yet still not irritate it.
9. Redmond Clay. Geologically, Redmond Clay is volcanic ash that was deposited in sea water approximately 150 million years ago. Generations of people have used the clay for an all natural facial with no additives, chemicals or preservatives. As the clay dries, you will feel it draw and pull. Acnexus can be used as an acne facial peel. To use is as a facial for acne, pimples, or minor cuts, leave it on until it is almost, but not totally dry, then remove with water.
10. Vegetable Glycerin. Vegetable glycerin comes to us through a very complex and sophisticated method of extraction known as Hydrolysis. It is invaluable as a natural acne treatment ingredient with emollient like properties which can soften and soothe the skin and it assists the outer epidermis is retaining moisture. The best acne treatments will never dry out your skin, and Acnexus will make it feel clean and smooth.
11. Jojoba. It is suspected that jojoba oil "tricks" the skin into stopping the production of sebum (the body's skin oil which, when overproduced, causes acne) through somehow mimicking sebum. This also means that jojoba oil will assist in breaking down sebum in plugged-up pores. Sebum and jojoba oil will mix readily without sealing off the skin pores. Dermatologists have also reported jojoba oil's non- irritating use for acne. Other materials such as mineral oil can cause anaerobic microbial growth and inflammation redness and swelling in and around pores. Jojoba oil will not cause blackheads that contribute to acne.
12. Oatmeal. Oatmeal has been one of the best acne treatments for centuries. The colloidal Oatmeal almost instantly gives a slightly milky, almost slimy consistency --which then coats the skin, moisturizing, softening, and protecting it. The emollient, or skin-softening, properties of oat products come from ingredients in the oatmeal such as cellulose and fiber, maintaining oatmeal as a top acne solution.
13. Avocado. Avocados find their roots in Central America. Also known as Persea americana , the avocado was labeled the "fruit of kings". These luscious pear-shaped wonders are considered one of the most nutritious fruits on earth. That's because avocados contain at least 75% monosaturated fats -- that's good for YOU! Avocado Oil penetrates the skin more deeply than other plant oils (e.g. lanolin, olive, almond or soya-bean oils). Therefore it's an ideal base for transdermal acne treatments, & a natural carrier for added supplements to reach the deepest acne.
14. MSM (a bio-available form of sulfur that promotes cell regeneration) - Sulphur is extremely effective in treating acne. Like Benzoyl Peroxide, sulphur is committed to killing bacteria; yet unlike Benzoyl Peroxide, it won't dry out your skin. Sulphur is a disinfectant and used in skin treatments for eczema, dry skin, etc. In treating acne, sulphur also loosens and dislodges the blackheads from skin pores.
15. Bergamot Oil. Bergamot is an essential oil obtained from the rind of the fruit of the Citrus bergamia and is well-known for its pleasingly sweet citrus aroma.
16. Chamomile Oil. An extremely expensive extract, Chamomile is one of the safest medicinal herbs. It is a soothing, gentle relaxant that is best known as a muscle relaxant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, which acts as a very effective natural acne treatment.
17. Clary Sage is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, aids in the regeneration of skin cells, and has an aphrodisiac aroma. It is used to treat acne, boils, eczema, dry and oily skin, and even wrinkles.
18. Frankincense Oil is considered a top acne treatment which heals sores, and wounds. It’s healing properties date back several thousand years.
19. Geranium Essential Oil has many therapeutic and acne fighting properties including antiseptic, antibiotic, astringent and regenerative tonic.
20. Jasmine essential oil has a sweet, exotic and rich floral smell and the oil is deep orange-brown in color.
21. Juniper Oil is used for treating cellulite, acne, dermatitis, blocked pores, psoriasis and weeping eczemas.
22. Lavender Oil. Recognized around the globe for its fresh and heady fragrance, the lavender plant (Lavendula angustifolia), a flowering evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean region, also boasts a long history in herbal healing. The aromatic lavender flower has natural antiseptic and astringent properties that folk healers recognized centuries ago. Lavender oil prevents infection thus acting as a natural acne treatment.
23. Palmarosa oil has a sweet floral, with a hint of rose smell. It’s commonly used as a antiseptic, antiviral, and bactericide.
24. Parchouli oil is excellent for general skin care, dermatitis, eczema, acne and sores. It has great diuretic properties and also helps break down cellulite, while stimulating the regeneration of skin cells, speeding up healing and preventing ugly scars forming when wounds heal.
25. Rosemary oil has a clear, powerful refreshing herbal smell, is clear in color and watery in viscosity.
26. Ylang Ylang has an exotic, sweet smell. Derived from fresh ylang ylang flowers. Incredibly calms senses & relieves acne causing tension.
27. Vitamin E Oil Vitamin E has been shown to play an important role in protecting skin from environmental and oxidative damage. It is beneficial in the repair and reduction of acne, scars and stretch marks.
For example, the batural components listed here are said to fix acne! How cool is that? Very cool if you are one prone to breakouts. acne treatment
Organic Aloe Vera Gel ~ The aloe leaf contains over 75 nutrients and 200 active compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12 vitamins. Aloe gel has been used for topical treatment of wounds, minor burns, and skin irritations since ancient Egypt . A major part of acne treatment is healing, and nothing naural heals acne better than aloe.
White Willow Bark. The bark of the stately white willow tree (Salix alba) has been used in China for centuries as a medicine. The active ingredient in white willow is salicin, which the body converts into salicylic acid (check the label of your current acne treatment, odds are it contains white willow bark...it's the probably the best acne treatment). The salicylic acid in white willow bark lowers the body's levels of prostaglandins, hormone like compounds that can cause inflammation. Salicylic acid helps slow down shedding of skin cells, preventing clogging. Salicylic acid also helps break down blackheads and whiteheads. The salicylic acid derived from white willow bark DOES NOT have the adverse allergic reactions and irritation as the chemically derived salicylic acid.
3. Chaparral. A very expensive aqueous extract of the leaves and twigs of Larrea tridentata (Sesse & Moc.) Chaparral was taken by Indians as a remedy for curing a wide variety of ailments, including arthritis , cancer , venereal disease, tuberculosis , bowel cramps , rheumatism, and colds . Today it is applied in skin treatments used for afflictions such as acne and eczema, sores, wounds, and rashes.
4. Gotu Kola. Gotu kola is a slender, creeping plant that grows commonly in swampy areas of India , Sri Lanka , Madagascar , South Africa and the tropics. Gotu kola has been referred to as "food for the brain". This oriental herb has demonstrated mild tranquilizing, anti-anxiety and anti-stress effects, as well as improving mental functions such as concentration and memory. It has a calming effect on the body and is chiefly used to support the central nervous system. It has been used as a tonic for purification of blood and for promoting healthy skin and to treat skin inflammations.
5. Alfalfa. First discovered by the Arabs, they dubbed this valuable plant the "father of all foods". The leaves of this remarkable legume contain eight essential amino acids. Rich in protein, vitamins E and K, alfalfa restores and increases body tone. It contains an anti- fungus agent which alkalizes and detoxifies the skin. This ingredient is one of the top acne treatments.
6. Valerian root. Comes from the Latin "valere," which means "to be in good health." The plant grows in damp places throughout Europe, northern Asia, the U.S. and South America. It affects the central nervous system (CNS), and has antispasmodic, sedative, and stimulant properties to sooth your skin. It is an antibacterial which cleans deep within in the skin.
7. Green Tea. Catechins (the medicinal portion of green tea) are well recognized as powerful antioxidants. Used to enhance your skin's immunity and rebuild damaged skin cells. Useful in the treatment of acne, sun burns, chronic photo-damage, aging and the effects of environmental pollutants.
8. Walnut Shell Grit. Exfoliation is required for any top acne treatment, and nature doesn't have a better solution for exfoliation than Walnut Shell. It comes in 3 cosmetic grades. Acnexus contains the finest grit (60/200) as the ideal grade for all types of skin. Several prototypes were required for the perfection of this ingredient. We have just enough to thoroughly exfoliate dead skin cells which cause acne, yet still not irritate it.
9. Redmond Clay. Geologically, Redmond Clay is volcanic ash that was deposited in sea water approximately 150 million years ago. Generations of people have used the clay for an all natural facial with no additives, chemicals or preservatives. As the clay dries, you will feel it draw and pull. Acnexus can be used as an acne facial peel. To use is as a facial for acne, pimples, or minor cuts, leave it on until it is almost, but not totally dry, then remove with water.
10. Vegetable Glycerin. Vegetable glycerin comes to us through a very complex and sophisticated method of extraction known as Hydrolysis. It is invaluable as a natural acne treatment ingredient with emollient like properties which can soften and soothe the skin and it assists the outer epidermis is retaining moisture. The best acne treatments will never dry out your skin, and Acnexus will make it feel clean and smooth.
11. Jojoba. It is suspected that jojoba oil "tricks" the skin into stopping the production of sebum (the body's skin oil which, when overproduced, causes acne) through somehow mimicking sebum. This also means that jojoba oil will assist in breaking down sebum in plugged-up pores. Sebum and jojoba oil will mix readily without sealing off the skin pores. Dermatologists have also reported jojoba oil's non- irritating use for acne. Other materials such as mineral oil can cause anaerobic microbial growth and inflammation redness and swelling in and around pores. Jojoba oil will not cause blackheads that contribute to acne.
12. Oatmeal. Oatmeal has been one of the best acne treatments for centuries. The colloidal Oatmeal almost instantly gives a slightly milky, almost slimy consistency --which then coats the skin, moisturizing, softening, and protecting it. The emollient, or skin-softening, properties of oat products come from ingredients in the oatmeal such as cellulose and fiber, maintaining oatmeal as a top acne solution.
13. Avocado. Avocados find their roots in Central America. Also known as Persea americana , the avocado was labeled the "fruit of kings". These luscious pear-shaped wonders are considered one of the most nutritious fruits on earth. That's because avocados contain at least 75% monosaturated fats -- that's good for YOU! Avocado Oil penetrates the skin more deeply than other plant oils (e.g. lanolin, olive, almond or soya-bean oils). Therefore it's an ideal base for transdermal acne treatments, & a natural carrier for added supplements to reach the deepest acne.
14. MSM (a bio-available form of sulfur that promotes cell regeneration) - Sulphur is extremely effective in treating acne. Like Benzoyl Peroxide, sulphur is committed to killing bacteria; yet unlike Benzoyl Peroxide, it won't dry out your skin. Sulphur is a disinfectant and used in skin treatments for eczema, dry skin, etc. In treating acne, sulphur also loosens and dislodges the blackheads from skin pores.
15. Bergamot Oil. Bergamot is an essential oil obtained from the rind of the fruit of the Citrus bergamia and is well-known for its pleasingly sweet citrus aroma.
16. Chamomile Oil. An extremely expensive extract, Chamomile is one of the safest medicinal herbs. It is a soothing, gentle relaxant that is best known as a muscle relaxant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, which acts as a very effective natural acne treatment.
17. Clary Sage is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, aids in the regeneration of skin cells, and has an aphrodisiac aroma. It is used to treat acne, boils, eczema, dry and oily skin, and even wrinkles.
18. Frankincense Oil is considered a top acne treatment which heals sores, and wounds. It’s healing properties date back several thousand years.
19. Geranium Essential Oil has many therapeutic and acne fighting properties including antiseptic, antibiotic, astringent and regenerative tonic.
20. Jasmine essential oil has a sweet, exotic and rich floral smell and the oil is deep orange-brown in color.
21. Juniper Oil is used for treating cellulite, acne, dermatitis, blocked pores, psoriasis and weeping eczemas.
22. Lavender Oil. Recognized around the globe for its fresh and heady fragrance, the lavender plant (Lavendula angustifolia), a flowering evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean region, also boasts a long history in herbal healing. The aromatic lavender flower has natural antiseptic and astringent properties that folk healers recognized centuries ago. Lavender oil prevents infection thus acting as a natural acne treatment.
23. Palmarosa oil has a sweet floral, with a hint of rose smell. It’s commonly used as a antiseptic, antiviral, and bactericide.
24. Parchouli oil is excellent for general skin care, dermatitis, eczema, acne and sores. It has great diuretic properties and also helps break down cellulite, while stimulating the regeneration of skin cells, speeding up healing and preventing ugly scars forming when wounds heal.
25. Rosemary oil has a clear, powerful refreshing herbal smell, is clear in color and watery in viscosity.
26. Ylang Ylang has an exotic, sweet smell. Derived from fresh ylang ylang flowers. Incredibly calms senses & relieves acne causing tension.
27. Vitamin E Oil Vitamin E has been shown to play an important role in protecting skin from environmental and oxidative damage. It is beneficial in the repair and reduction of acne, scars and stretch marks.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Central vacuum units for home or office use are just amazing. Imagine just being being able to hook up hoses in any room of the house for a quick clean up. Nice, huh?
As great as the concept is, there seems to be one little problem.
Where in the world can you get the hoses, motor and necessary parts? This is not something you can find around the corner at your neighborhood Jiffy Mart, nor is this something I would expect to find at my local Publix.
The best to place to find all the parts you need is just a mouse click away at ....lamb motor.
As great as the concept is, there seems to be one little problem.
Where in the world can you get the hoses, motor and necessary parts? This is not something you can find around the corner at your neighborhood Jiffy Mart, nor is this something I would expect to find at my local Publix.
The best to place to find all the parts you need is just a mouse click away at ....lamb motor.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Did you know that you should replace water filters at least once every six months and maybe even more often depending upon the amount of water you use!
Ok, the objective here is to reduce - reduce Lead, Cysts, Turbidity, Lindane and Sediment.
The GE GSWF Refrigerator Filter Specifications:
•Micron Rating: .5 - 1 Micron
•Pressure Range: 40-120 psi
•Temp Range: 33-100 Farenheit
•Flow Rate: .5 GPM at 60 psi
•Filter Capacity: 750 Gallons or 6 months
Ok, the objective here is to reduce - reduce Lead, Cysts, Turbidity, Lindane and Sediment.
The GE GSWF Refrigerator Filter Specifications:
•Micron Rating: .5 - 1 Micron
•Pressure Range: 40-120 psi
•Temp Range: 33-100 Farenheit
•Flow Rate: .5 GPM at 60 psi
•Filter Capacity: 750 Gallons or 6 months
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It's the diet pills I wonder about.
The question sitting on my mind is this: Is it the diet pills or the inner motivation that lead to ultimate success in the weight-loss game? Or is it the combination of the two?
I suppose that the combination of 1.) A sincere desire to lose weight coupled with
2.) effective nutritional support - can actually make the difference between half-hearted efforts and full-blown success.
What do you think?
The question sitting on my mind is this: Is it the diet pills or the inner motivation that lead to ultimate success in the weight-loss game? Or is it the combination of the two?
I suppose that the combination of 1.) A sincere desire to lose weight coupled with
2.) effective nutritional support - can actually make the difference between half-hearted efforts and full-blown success.
What do you think?
Today I'm sharing golden nuggets of wisdom from one of my favorite little books. The book is called, "The Art of Abundance ~ A Simple Guide To Discovering Life's Treasures."
IT IS ALL TOO EASY to lose one's sense of appreciation. So I truly appreciate(no pun intended) gems such as this one to set me back on the upward track.
Books like this one, is just one of the many splendid things that can be ordered through a fulfillment center.
IT IS ALL TOO EASY to lose one's sense of appreciation. So I truly appreciate(no pun intended) gems such as this one to set me back on the upward track.
Books like this one, is just one of the many splendid things that can be ordered through a fulfillment center.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
One of the smartest decisions my sister-in-love ever made was buying disability insurance when she was working.
I'm happy for her that she had the wisdom to invest in her future, even though she was investing in something no one would truly desire to invest in.
Afterall, most of us think the relatively good health we experience during the early years of our lives will continue forever. Unfortunately, good vibrant health is not always the case. Disabilities can strike us down at any time... the smart ones have prepared ahead of time by taking precautionary measures.
In my sister-in-laws case disability insurance gives her extra money every month since she is no longer able to work at a regular job.
I'm happy for her that she had the wisdom to invest in her future, even though she was investing in something no one would truly desire to invest in.
Afterall, most of us think the relatively good health we experience during the early years of our lives will continue forever. Unfortunately, good vibrant health is not always the case. Disabilities can strike us down at any time... the smart ones have prepared ahead of time by taking precautionary measures.
In my sister-in-laws case disability insurance gives her extra money every month since she is no longer able to work at a regular job.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I need to be careful about what I write. Here is what I have discovered... things come true!!
You know the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for!"
As a writer, I've discovered that some of the things I write about end up materializing in my own life!
Therefore, I believe it is essential to only write about the things that I want, to think only on the things that I want and to avoid anything that is not my desire.
As a Christ follower, i DO BELIEVE THAT Jesus will indeed supply us with the desires of our heart. While this idea is full of complex philosophical contradictions, some that may or may not be considered "theological", depending on who you are talking with and how this statement is presented.
A quick summary--- I believe that the true and authentic desires of our heart comes from the very best possible version of ourselves- or better put- GOD LIVING IN US!
So then it makes perfect sense that God would want to give us the desires of our heart, because we are actually wanting what HE created us to want.
With this understanding, I can look back over my life and see that this has indeed been a principle that has shaped the course and direction of my existence.
Knowing this I can move forward confidently in the pursuit of all my dreams for tomorrow.
moving companies Los Angeles
You know the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for!"
As a writer, I've discovered that some of the things I write about end up materializing in my own life!
Therefore, I believe it is essential to only write about the things that I want, to think only on the things that I want and to avoid anything that is not my desire.
As a Christ follower, i DO BELIEVE THAT Jesus will indeed supply us with the desires of our heart. While this idea is full of complex philosophical contradictions, some that may or may not be considered "theological", depending on who you are talking with and how this statement is presented.
A quick summary--- I believe that the true and authentic desires of our heart comes from the very best possible version of ourselves- or better put- GOD LIVING IN US!
So then it makes perfect sense that God would want to give us the desires of our heart, because we are actually wanting what HE created us to want.
With this understanding, I can look back over my life and see that this has indeed been a principle that has shaped the course and direction of my existence.
Knowing this I can move forward confidently in the pursuit of all my dreams for tomorrow.
moving companies Los Angeles
Give me some diet pills right now... and I'll be one happy bride. For almost three months I've known about this wedding.
But the stress of planning a wedding in such a short time frame, combined with the overwhelming emotional tides have led me to not be as diligent as I should have been!
Now all of a sudden the full import is weighing down on me. I wish I could be thinner on my wedding day. But the bottom line is I'll be what I'll be!
Ready to get married and ready to shed this fat once and for all!
slimming pills review
But the stress of planning a wedding in such a short time frame, combined with the overwhelming emotional tides have led me to not be as diligent as I should have been!
Now all of a sudden the full import is weighing down on me. I wish I could be thinner on my wedding day. But the bottom line is I'll be what I'll be!
Ready to get married and ready to shed this fat once and for all!
slimming pills review
Monday, June 08, 2009
Much can be said for packing it all up and heading out to tour America by rv!
While I've never taken this sort of rolling adventure, I have met people who have.
And the verdict is that people who live the gypsey caravan lifestyle really do get into it! They love it!
Maybe one day... but for now I'm tickled pink to hit the road on occasion for a fun little jaunt to a new destination,
While I've never taken this sort of rolling adventure, I have met people who have.
And the verdict is that people who live the gypsey caravan lifestyle really do get into it! They love it!
Maybe one day... but for now I'm tickled pink to hit the road on occasion for a fun little jaunt to a new destination,
Thursday, May 28, 2009
With a wedding in thirty days, there is still so much to do!
Where do we begin? Have you ever had so much on your plate that you actually got stuck and didn't end up accomplishing diddly squat? Well, I think that is sort of where I am right now.
Not only do I have my very own wedding in one month, I've got a business to run, a new kitchen to oversee, and a whole lot of transition.
It's about time for me to get centered and focused on the work ahead! tuxedo shirt
Where do we begin? Have you ever had so much on your plate that you actually got stuck and didn't end up accomplishing diddly squat? Well, I think that is sort of where I am right now.
Not only do I have my very own wedding in one month, I've got a business to run, a new kitchen to oversee, and a whole lot of transition.
It's about time for me to get centered and focused on the work ahead! tuxedo shirt
One thing that we can count on in this life is unpredictability.
We simply can not predict when life will throw us a curve ball and forever change the dynamics of our world.
One day we are breathing as if the ability to breathe is the most taken for granted function of the human body. Usually we do not even give our breaths a second thought. We think we will live forever. We think that our loved ones will live forever. Then the curve ball hits and human breath becomes the most valuable of commodities.
life insurance quote
We simply can not predict when life will throw us a curve ball and forever change the dynamics of our world.
One day we are breathing as if the ability to breathe is the most taken for granted function of the human body. Usually we do not even give our breaths a second thought. We think we will live forever. We think that our loved ones will live forever. Then the curve ball hits and human breath becomes the most valuable of commodities.
life insurance quote
Sometimes I'm just more motivated than other times to lose weight. Right now I should be far more motivated than I am. In thirty days I'm walking down the aisle and after all I'd like to look as good as possible in my wedding gown. I'd also like to look as good as possible for my groom.
So what's the problem?
Do I need some dietary support? nuphedra reviews
So what's the problem?
Do I need some dietary support? nuphedra reviews
Saturday, May 09, 2009
What are ephedra supplements and are they safe?
Wikipedia describes Ephedra as "both a stimulant and a thermogenic; its biological effects are due to its ephedrine and pseudoephedrine content.[17] These compounds stimulate the brain, increase heart rate, constrict blood vessels (increasing blood pressure), and expand bronchial tubes (making breathing easier). Their thermogenic properties cause an increase in metabolism, evidenced by an increase in body heat."
Wikipedia goes on to say:
"Ephedra is widely used by athletes despite a lack of evidence that it enhances athletic performance. Ephedra may also be used as a precursor in the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine.
Ephedra has also been used for weight loss, sometimes in combination with aspirin and caffeine. Some studies have shown that ephedra, when taken in a regulated and supervised environment, is effective for marginal short-term weight loss (0.9kg/month more than the placebo), although it is unclear whether such weight loss is maintained.[23] However, several reports have documented the large number of adverse events attributable to unregulated ephedra supplements.
Side effects of ephedra may include severe skin reactions, irritability, nervousness, dizziness, trembling, headache, insomnia, profuse perspiration, dehydration, itchy scalp and skin, vomiting, hyperthermia, irregular heartbeat, seizures, heart attack, stroke, or death.
Wikipedia describes Ephedra as "both a stimulant and a thermogenic; its biological effects are due to its ephedrine and pseudoephedrine content.[17] These compounds stimulate the brain, increase heart rate, constrict blood vessels (increasing blood pressure), and expand bronchial tubes (making breathing easier). Their thermogenic properties cause an increase in metabolism, evidenced by an increase in body heat."
Wikipedia goes on to say:
"Ephedra is widely used by athletes despite a lack of evidence that it enhances athletic performance. Ephedra may also be used as a precursor in the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine.
Ephedra has also been used for weight loss, sometimes in combination with aspirin and caffeine. Some studies have shown that ephedra, when taken in a regulated and supervised environment, is effective for marginal short-term weight loss (0.9kg/month more than the placebo), although it is unclear whether such weight loss is maintained.[23] However, several reports have documented the large number of adverse events attributable to unregulated ephedra supplements.
Side effects of ephedra may include severe skin reactions, irritability, nervousness, dizziness, trembling, headache, insomnia, profuse perspiration, dehydration, itchy scalp and skin, vomiting, hyperthermia, irregular heartbeat, seizures, heart attack, stroke, or death.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Improve your career advancement opportunities with an online project management certificate from Saint Joseph University.
Did you know that this degree can lead to advancement with any size company or organization?
Give yourself that competitive advantage without inconveniencing any current work, school or family obligations.
Learn more about the online project management certificate
In only 24 weeks, you will learn how to become a more effective project manager through readings, lecture notes, supplemental videos/readings, discussion questions, case study analyses and course projects. The courses in this certificate are instructor-facilitated, broken into modules for easy digestion, and self-paced. Learn from Project Management Professionals while receiving concrete feedback designed to help you improve your Project Management skills.
This course provides an overview of the importance of Project Management and the basic processes surrounding the management and leadership of non-routine projects. You will actively learn how to schedule, budget, and meet performance standards while applying project management theory and application.
This course develops the skills required to manage multi-level and/or multiple projects. You explore the roles and responsibilities of a Project Manager, specifically as it relates to leading and managing Project Teams.
This course improves your abilities to lead by teaching you how to develop skills in: team-building, staffing, quality planning, budgeting, risk issues, and conflict management.
online Project Management certificate
Did you know that this degree can lead to advancement with any size company or organization?
Give yourself that competitive advantage without inconveniencing any current work, school or family obligations.
Learn more about the online project management certificate
In only 24 weeks, you will learn how to become a more effective project manager through readings, lecture notes, supplemental videos/readings, discussion questions, case study analyses and course projects. The courses in this certificate are instructor-facilitated, broken into modules for easy digestion, and self-paced. Learn from Project Management Professionals while receiving concrete feedback designed to help you improve your Project Management skills.
This course provides an overview of the importance of Project Management and the basic processes surrounding the management and leadership of non-routine projects. You will actively learn how to schedule, budget, and meet performance standards while applying project management theory and application.
This course develops the skills required to manage multi-level and/or multiple projects. You explore the roles and responsibilities of a Project Manager, specifically as it relates to leading and managing Project Teams.
This course improves your abilities to lead by teaching you how to develop skills in: team-building, staffing, quality planning, budgeting, risk issues, and conflict management.
online Project Management certificate
Friday, April 24, 2009
Shining with brilliance in the dusty corner of the room was a grandmother's old lamp.
"It is exquisite MeeMee," the young bride-to be said as her eyes twinkled with delight.
"We hand carried it from Austria just before the war broke out."
light bulbs
"It is exquisite MeeMee," the young bride-to be said as her eyes twinkled with delight.
"We hand carried it from Austria just before the war broke out."
light bulbs
Sheesh, I've moved so many times in my life, I could write a how-to book.
I suppose by default I've become quite the expert on moving.
Now as fate would have it, I find myself gearing up for another move.
The shipping boxes have not been packed yet, but that will come soon enough. For right now I'm simply trying to mentally place and merge the furniture and household goods that I wouldn't want to part with in an already fully furnished home.
This should be fun! Haha!
I'll be one happy camper when the transition is complete and everything is nice and neat and I can concentrate on my new husband and all which that will entail, plus of course my writing and my business. Yep I'll be a happy camper or perhaps I should say one happy but busy, busy camper!
I suppose by default I've become quite the expert on moving.
Now as fate would have it, I find myself gearing up for another move.
The shipping boxes have not been packed yet, but that will come soon enough. For right now I'm simply trying to mentally place and merge the furniture and household goods that I wouldn't want to part with in an already fully furnished home.
This should be fun! Haha!
I'll be one happy camper when the transition is complete and everything is nice and neat and I can concentrate on my new husband and all which that will entail, plus of course my writing and my business. Yep I'll be a happy camper or perhaps I should say one happy but busy, busy camper!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
While I would have been thrilled with a cigar band, I'm tickled pink with the engagement ring that sparkles on my left hand. It is absolutely beautiful.
But so much more than the ring or the dress or all the hoopla of the coming nuptials and celebration is the amazing man I'm marrying!
All of the wedding details seem to be falling effortlessly into place. Yesterday I bought my dress. Early this morning I decided on my colors for the wedding.
heart pendant necklace
But so much more than the ring or the dress or all the hoopla of the coming nuptials and celebration is the amazing man I'm marrying!
All of the wedding details seem to be falling effortlessly into place. Yesterday I bought my dress. Early this morning I decided on my colors for the wedding.
heart pendant necklace
Friday, April 10, 2009
The big news in my world is that I'm engaged!
I'm delighted with the vision of being married to the man I love, but it is the process of planning the wedding ceremony and reception that leaves me gasping.
As much as I love beautiful, elegant celebrations...my work as a caterer and an event planner has taught me that exquisite, seamless events require meticulous planning, plenty of time and boatloads of green.
tuxedo shirt
tuxedo shirt
I'm delighted with the vision of being married to the man I love, but it is the process of planning the wedding ceremony and reception that leaves me gasping.
As much as I love beautiful, elegant celebrations...my work as a caterer and an event planner has taught me that exquisite, seamless events require meticulous planning, plenty of time and boatloads of green.
tuxedo shirt
tuxedo shirt
Saturday, March 21, 2009
"What is a good laptop computer for traveling?" A friend recently asked.
"I hear Sony Vaio notebooks are pretty good." I responded.
"How much do they cost?"
"You can find out prices on the Buy dot com website."
"Great!I like the idea of staying connect to the Internet while I travel."
"I hear Sony Vaio notebooks are pretty good." I responded.
"How much do they cost?"
"You can find out prices on the Buy dot com website."
"Great!I like the idea of staying connect to the Internet while I travel."
Saturday, March 07, 2009
I sort of have this love/hate thingee going on with SALES and sales training.
Sales... the very lifeblood of a business, and absolutely essential in most cases to the success or failure of a commercial enterprise.
But the bottom line is that this entrepreneur is not a SALES PERSON. The very thought of selling somebody something sends me running for the hills.
Lord help me!
Sales... the very lifeblood of a business, and absolutely essential in most cases to the success or failure of a commercial enterprise.
But the bottom line is that this entrepreneur is not a SALES PERSON. The very thought of selling somebody something sends me running for the hills.
Lord help me!
"Grandmother, put on a little lip gloss. You never know who you will meet." I said as my recently widowed grandmother, Lillian and I were about to venture out of the air-conditioned Miami Beach condo and into the Florida sun.
Echoing my words back to me, my grandmother followed my advice.
The exchange was one of those profound ones between a grandmother and her young granddaughter. Oh, I'm sure I didn't feel so young at the time. Afterall I was the ripe old age of about 15, that age when lip gloss seems so important.
Echoing my words back to me, my grandmother followed my advice.
The exchange was one of those profound ones between a grandmother and her young granddaughter. Oh, I'm sure I didn't feel so young at the time. Afterall I was the ripe old age of about 15, that age when lip gloss seems so important.
"Kathi, your life plays out like a movie..."
If I had a dollar for everytime I've heard this through the years I'd be sitting pretty :)
Of course, I'm not too sure what sort of movie it would be. But one thing I do know, it would be a movie illuminated with the grace of GOD!
My life has often not been easy or picture perfect. I've made choices that were not altogether good ones. But despite all this, God has never left me or abandoned me. He's picked me up, brushed me off and embraced me despite all my brokeness and filled me with the desire to keep trying and little-by-little I get a little closer to becoming the person HE created me to be.
Perhaps everyone's life is a bit like a movie- co-written by a heavenly script that gently allows us the opportunity to make a few mistakes here and there. Sometimes it is the mistakes that makes the story so compelling.
home theater chairs
If I had a dollar for everytime I've heard this through the years I'd be sitting pretty :)
Of course, I'm not too sure what sort of movie it would be. But one thing I do know, it would be a movie illuminated with the grace of GOD!
My life has often not been easy or picture perfect. I've made choices that were not altogether good ones. But despite all this, God has never left me or abandoned me. He's picked me up, brushed me off and embraced me despite all my brokeness and filled me with the desire to keep trying and little-by-little I get a little closer to becoming the person HE created me to be.
Perhaps everyone's life is a bit like a movie- co-written by a heavenly script that gently allows us the opportunity to make a few mistakes here and there. Sometimes it is the mistakes that makes the story so compelling.
home theater chairs
In my heart of hearts,I've always believed that a true love would love you regardless of whether you were svelte or not, and that the inner person that dwells within was far more important than the more superficial outer being.
Within varying degrees, we can all look pretty good. Take a gift box, wrap it up in beautiful papers and bows and with just the right craftsmanship, the box can look pretty enticing.
But isn't the substance within that box (or that person) what is really important? Should it matter whether we are svelte or not?
For me, I prefer to be chosen for the qualities that make me, ME ... and certainly not because I look good, or because I wear a certain size or because I feed some man's ego.
On the other hand, I do want to look good, feel good and dare I say, (LOVE GOOD,
TOO!) So therefore inlight of this, I welcome the opportunity to review the merits of the diet pill.
Within varying degrees, we can all look pretty good. Take a gift box, wrap it up in beautiful papers and bows and with just the right craftsmanship, the box can look pretty enticing.
But isn't the substance within that box (or that person) what is really important? Should it matter whether we are svelte or not?
For me, I prefer to be chosen for the qualities that make me, ME ... and certainly not because I look good, or because I wear a certain size or because I feed some man's ego.
On the other hand, I do want to look good, feel good and dare I say, (LOVE GOOD,
TOO!) So therefore inlight of this, I welcome the opportunity to review the merits of the diet pill.
How do sinks sound?
Splash, splash splash!
Reminds me of a birthday card I happened upon in January, while shopping for the perfect birthday card for a special friend.
If you are anything like I am- not any card will do, you have to find the PERFECT card for the occasion.
The card I found was of a cruise ship and the question posed was... How does a Carribean Cruise sound?
The answer... Splash, Splash, Splash! Follow my blogs and who knows maybe you'll discover the rest of the story.
Splash, splash splash!
Reminds me of a birthday card I happened upon in January, while shopping for the perfect birthday card for a special friend.
If you are anything like I am- not any card will do, you have to find the PERFECT card for the occasion.
The card I found was of a cruise ship and the question posed was... How does a Carribean Cruise sound?
The answer... Splash, Splash, Splash! Follow my blogs and who knows maybe you'll discover the rest of the story.
Sitting on the shelf of an old display case in an antique shop I spotted a sparkling beauty.
Was it a diamond or simply a cubic zirconia? Even though I longed to take a closer look, for reasons all my own, I chose not.
Perhaps I'll revisit this shop on another day. Will the ring still be there?
Will it be as dazzling up close as it was in passing?
Ah, the white flash and divine symbolism of engagement rings and the hope that they offer ... the helping hand, the loving heart, the poignant embrace that births a brand new purpose between two souls united. yet somehow shrouded in a divine mystery filled with the magnificance of great hopes and dreams, eager to be manifested.
Was it a diamond or simply a cubic zirconia? Even though I longed to take a closer look, for reasons all my own, I chose not.
Perhaps I'll revisit this shop on another day. Will the ring still be there?
Will it be as dazzling up close as it was in passing?
Ah, the white flash and divine symbolism of engagement rings and the hope that they offer ... the helping hand, the loving heart, the poignant embrace that births a brand new purpose between two souls united. yet somehow shrouded in a divine mystery filled with the magnificance of great hopes and dreams, eager to be manifested.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
A popular Irish saying goes something like, "If beef's the King of Meat, then potatoes are the Queen of the Garden World."
On this cold and blustery day, March 1 2009, my thoughts turn to rich, deep and satisfying fares...
Beef roasts slow roasted by fire with potatoes, carrots, perhaps a turnip or two. Splash in a pint of your favorite brew for an easy braise and don't be surprised later when you hear the sweet sound of gratitude and praise. cattle supplies
On this cold and blustery day, March 1 2009, my thoughts turn to rich, deep and satisfying fares...
Beef roasts slow roasted by fire with potatoes, carrots, perhaps a turnip or two. Splash in a pint of your favorite brew for an easy braise and don't be surprised later when you hear the sweet sound of gratitude and praise. cattle supplies
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I won't settle for anything less than a relationship that enhances my life and who I am and provides the same to the other person, as well.
But how can you ever know for sure? People do tend to be on their best behavior in the beginning. It takes a considerable amount of time to know someone, yet sometmes even folks who have been married for decades come to realize that they really don't know that person who shares their bed. How scary is that?
Take this story for example, he was a Mesothelioma lawyer and she a college professor of all things- the study of human behavior. She thought she knew this man, the father of her 3 children and a pillar of the community with aspirations one day to enter the world of politics until...
But how can you ever know for sure? People do tend to be on their best behavior in the beginning. It takes a considerable amount of time to know someone, yet sometmes even folks who have been married for decades come to realize that they really don't know that person who shares their bed. How scary is that?
Take this story for example, he was a Mesothelioma lawyer and she a college professor of all things- the study of human behavior. She thought she knew this man, the father of her 3 children and a pillar of the community with aspirations one day to enter the world of politics until...
Fenphedra... what is it and how can it help on one's quest to looking and feeling like a million bucks?
I've never tried it and I can not say whether or not it will match the hype. But I am one who is willing in most circumstances to give something new the benefit of doubt before blasting it as another gimmick to separate consumers with a need from their hard earned dollars.
I've never tried it and I can not say whether or not it will match the hype. But I am one who is willing in most circumstances to give something new the benefit of doubt before blasting it as another gimmick to separate consumers with a need from their hard earned dollars.
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