Sunday, December 25, 2005

The Greatest Gift!

Do you know the greatest gift that was ever given? The gift of the Messiah that was given over 2000 years ago that still continues to give today to you and to me and to our brothers and sisters everywhere in the same extraordinary way.

Like any gift we can accept it or decline it. We can appreciate it and let it become part of our life, or we can dismiss it and cast it aside.

Why don't some people get it? It breaks my heart to know that there are people all around us who decline and dismiss the most precious gift of all.

In studying the Bible, I have found that every prophecy that God spoke in the Old Testament about the coming of the Messiah was fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Thank You GOD!!!!

This is what Christmas is all about! It is the glorious celebration of the faithfulness of God and of his deep love for mankind that he cared enough to send us a SAVIOR!

And while our SAVIOR came born into the most humble of circumstances and the birth announcement went out to only a handful of listening shepherds on a hillside and a few listening wise men ~ it was the greatest birth the world will ever witness. What a miracle and gift that we can witness that divine birth anew in our hearts today. It doesn't have to be one day or one season a year, that witness and celebration is a gift we can accept anew every day and in every circumstance of our lives. In this coming year, it is my prayer that we savor the Celebration
of the Messiah ~ Jesus Christ in our hearts. It is also my prayer that we will be like the shepherds on the hillside and the wisemen, for they were quiet enough to listen, eager enough to know, and willing enough to follow!

But unlike the shepherds and the Wise Men, our place in history allows us to know the rest of the story. We know of the birth, we know of our Lord's ministry and miracles, we know of the horrible crucifixion, and we know of the glorious resurrection! It is my prayer that we would daily plug into the divine power supply that will electrify and unite our lives with the glorious and redeeming essence of the birth, ministry, miracles, and resurrection of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. It is a gift, won't you accept and savor it and share this greatest gift of all with every person you meet as you journey through this land on your way to your Heavenly home?

Merry Christmas! May the Spirit of Jesus Christ reign in glory forever and ever in the hearts, minds and actions of us all. Agape!

Copyright (c) Kathi Dameron December 25, 2005

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

People or Possessions... What Is More Important To You?

People or Possessions ~ What is more important to you? This is a theme that seems to be running through my life right now. Not only is God working on me in the daylight hours, but now his message waltzes smack dab into the center of the whimsical slumber time dreams that hold me captive nightly.

Last night, I was entertained by discovering lots of antique coins scattered on the ground , that led to a hotel room where my grandmother's beautiful beaded treasures had been left when my father took ill.

Gone were my dad and my grandmother, to a place of far greater treasure. But the treasures my father had been transporting that had once been his mothers had been locked away in a hotel room, where any thief could have stolen them or any maid could have tossed them. In this dream, I discovered them as though they had been waiting for me all along.

On awakening, I inquired of God, "Lord, what is the meaning and significance of such a dream as this? Is it that no matter how much we cherish something materialistic, we can never take it with us from this life to the next? Why is it we clutch so tightly to things that can be replaced often a million times over and then the real treasures that are one in a zillion (people and our unique relationships) are often treated as though they are worth little and can easily be replaced?"

I have come to realize the bottom line reality is that to a large part we are a people who care more for our stuff than we do for other human beings. It is not true, that the one who ends up with the most toys at the end, is the winner. That is a lie that comes from the deceptive mouth of Satan.

While it is a privilege to have nice possessions, to own a beautiful home, and to live a life of economic security... it is far more important to God how we use the gifts He channels through us.

Those possessions, gifts, and finances are a test of our true hearts. Do we share and give freely? Or do we clutch on saying, "it's all mine, it's all mine!"

The bottom line is we can not take it with us when we go. God doesn't want it! God wants us, for each and everyone of us are priceless works of art that HE created, the miracle of each and every single human being alive so far more precious than any materialistic possession in this world.

This morning I clicked on the aol teaser about the world's most expensive homes. The aesthetic in me loved the rich beauty splashed across the screen, but the humanitarian in me couldn't help but to think ... what a tragic waste of God's money.

I'm not trying to say give everything you have to the poor, even though that is biblical. What I am challenging you to do is to view your possessions, your gifts, and your wealth from an eternal perspective and not a worldly one. Does anyone really need a 56 million dollar home? Does anyone even need a 2 million dollar home? Does anyone really need a 200,000 car or 2000 dollar shoes? This stuff is insane! Yes, by all means we need shoes, a car or some mode of transportation, and a home to live in and it is fine to have nice stuff but don't you think over-the-top personal extravagance is pretty blatant when there are precious human beings in our world who do not have food to eat or shelter to keep them warm and dry? It is a cold heart that says, "That's their problem. It's not my problem. " It is a cold heart that doesn't acknowledge that God and GOD ALONE is the giver of talents and that as freely as God has given, he can also taketh away. It is a cold heart that thinks that because of their blessings that they are superior in any way to any other person in this world. It is a cold heart that sees the hunger of another and turns away. It is a cold heart that fails to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit to be generous towards others and keeps gathering and storing treasures for himself.

I know I have been guilty at far too many times in my life of having a cold heart. I have been guilty of valuing possessions more than people. In this season of Christmas miracles, I ask God for HIS forgiveness and to remove any coldness within my heart so that I will become someone who values people always far above and beyond how I value any possession that God blesses me with in this life.

Won't you join me in declaring people the most valuable treasure of this world and ask God in unity with me to warm the hearts of all of us around the world? That together we could become more and more the people HE created us to be. May There Be Peace On Earth and Good Will Towards Men! May there be resolution to the strifes that divide us and an end to the wars that threaten to annihilate us before it is too late. May we take the necessary steps to become better stewards of our planet and witness reversals to the disastrous consequences of global warming. Oh Lord, let the warming be in our hearts and not in the ozone layer.
We need a SAVIOR! Merry Christmas !

Copyright (c) Kathi Dameron December 21, 2005

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Dover Public Schools Flunks Test ~ Declares ID Unconstitutional

Dover Public Schools Flunks The BIG Test ~ Declares Intelligent Design Unconstitutional

Speaking of report cards (I'm referring to my last post earlier this morning) it is my opinion that the Dover Public School Board in Pennsylvania would get an F on their End of The Year Report Card!

A federal judge ruled against the teaching of Intelligent Design in the Dover Public School System with the following statement: "Our conclusion today is that it is unconstitutional to teach ID as an alternative to evolution in a public school science classroom." What ever happened to an open-minded approach that teaches students all sides without a bias to any one particular side?

How ironic that the very foundation of the American educational system was built on the sole purpose and objective to teach boys and girls how to read so that they could read the Bible... and hundreds of years later, every aspect of GOD is being yanked out of our schools and our culture.
It is truly a sad day when a human judge rules "GOD" to be unconstitutional. One can only wonder what is next?

Fortunately for those who are willing to believe, we partake in an unshakeable confidence that this time here is only temporary. We are only visitors in a strange land with strange laws that deny the very thing that truly makes a difference.

What if... this is the test? Could our response to God now, determine our home for all eternity?
I don't know about you, but this writer wants to pass this test!

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron December 20, 2005

End of The Year Report Card

End of The Year Report Card ...

If God issued an end of the year report card, I wonder how he would score me on the things that are most important to him.

1. Seeks God with all (her) heart A B C D F

2. Loves God above all else A B C D F

3. Follows God's Commandments A B C D F

4. Trusts & Believes in God A B C D F

5. Studies God's Word Daily A B C D F

6. Stays in relationship w/ God Daily A B C D F

7. Prays For Others A B C D F

8. Shares God with others A B C D F

9. Gives freely to others A B C D F

10. Cares more about people than about possessions A B C D F

I would like to encourage you to consider doing your own end of the year report card adapting the items as you are led.

In fact, I was thinking why not do two different report cards (one from God and one from satan ~ and see which team you are supporting by your actions.)

It is my prayer that we will all strive to be on God's A Team in the coming year and that we will defeat the enemy by staying so focused on our relationship with the Lord of all creation who created each and everyone of us with a divine purpose. May 2006 be that year, a year where the world moves closer and closer to fulfilling its divine purposes and that peace will be in the hearts and souls of all the world's inhabitants.

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron December 20, 2005

Friday, December 16, 2005

When the reality doesn't match the dream ~ then what?

When the reality doesn't match the dream, then what? Where do we turn to escape the icy grip of depression? Psychologists say that depression is one of the most common ailments affecting the emotional well being of human beings. During the Christmas season, the heartaches of depression stab at the soul with deeper intensity as media bombards us with Norman Rockwell glimpses of the "perfect" family holiday. But for many people, the reality just doesn't meet the dream. What help is available to those who struggle with thoughts of suicide during this season?

When you are feeling lonely or depressed, there is no greater place to turn than to the God of all creation. God created you for a divine purpose. Everything you are going through is preparing and equipping you for that unique purpose for which you were created.

The best antidote for depression is reading and meditating on the goodness of God. If anything in all the world has the ability to help you and to save you; it is God; the very God that created the world.

The writer of Psalm 42 was discouraged and wrote this Psalm as a divine antidepressant. Reading, meditating, praying, and journaling God's Word are divine antidepressants. They are gifts of medicine for your broken heart from the hand of a loving God who cares deeply for you and your condition.

Psalm 42 ~ NIV

1 "As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, O God.
2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When can I go and meet with God?
3 My tears have been my food
day and night,
while men say to me all day long,
"Where is your God?"
4 These things I remember
as I pour out my soul:
how I used to go with the multitude,
leading the procession to the house of God,
with shouts of joy and thanksgiving
among the festive throng.
5 Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and
6 my God.
My soul is downcast within me;
therefore I will remember you
from the land of the Jordan,
the heights of Hermon from Mount Mizar.
7 Deep calls to deep
in the roar of your waterfalls;
all your waves and breakers have swept over me.
8 By day the LORD directs his love,
at night his song is with me—
a prayer to the God of my life.
9 I say to God my Rock,
"Why have you forgotten me?
Why must I go about mourning,
oppressed by the enemy?"
10 My bones suffer mortal agony
as my foes taunt me,
saying to me all day long,
"Where is your God?"
11 Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God."

In times of joy, and in times of sorrow it is my prayer that all of mankind would turn their hearts to the God of all creation. That we would consider HIM and allow him to wash over and through us in powerful and transforming ways. And in so doing we would be led to a deeper awareness, appreciation, and manifestation of the divine purpose of our existence in this world. It is my prayer that we would never once think we were a mistake, but we would know to the depths of our beings that we are part of a plan that far transcends the mind of man, regardless of how high our IQ might be. (Yes, Joe this is for you, too! ... My dear and compassionate friend of many years, Harvard graduate, Doctor of Psychology, man of amazingly high IQ, irreverent unbeliever, confidant, best friend, and former lover.) This is for you and for all of us throughout this world who find the reality doesn't match the dream. There is something far better, perhaps
it can not be seen and yet the words appear on dollar bills throughout this country... the immortal words... IN GOD WE TRUST!

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron December 16, 2005

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Choose Your Path

Fellow Spread The Word Bookstore Owner, Minister Frank Coleman shared this on the Spread The Word Success Training Board / E-mail. Thank you Pastor Frank!

I have read it before and have always been touched by the wisdom in this story. If anyone knows who the author is, would you post it at the bottom in the comments section.
Thanks!! Agape! Kathi

"A young man went to his father and told him about his life and how things were so hard for him. He didn't know how he was going to make it and wanted to give up. He was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

His father took him to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water. In the first, he placed carrots, in the second he placed eggs, and in the last he placed ground coffee beans. He let them sit and boil without saying a word. In about twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to his son, he asked, "Tell me, what do you see?"

"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," came the reply. He brought him closer and asked him to feel the carrots. He did and noted that they had gotten soft. The father then asked him to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, he observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, the father asked the son to sip the coffee. The son smiled as he smelled its rich aroma, and then asked, "What's your point?"

His father explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity -- boiling water -- but each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" he asked his son. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

Which am I?

Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship, or some other trial have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?

Or am I the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor.

If you're like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate to another level? How do you handle adversity?"

-Author Unknown

In His Service, Frank

Friday, December 09, 2005

From Atheist to Anglican Convert ~ CS Lewis, Author of Narnia

From Atheist To Anglican Convert, that was the philosophical and theological background of C.S. Lewis the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, A Grief Observed, and Mere Christianity.

"An atheist in his youth, Lewis, a professor at Oxford, became an Anglican convert as he grew older. Aside from his Narnia books, he is best known for such spiritual works as "A Grief Observed," in which he reflects on God and life following the death of his wife, Joy Gresham, from cancer, and "Mere Christianity," in which he uses logical arguments to make a case for orthodox Christianity." James Prichard ~ AP Business Writer

C.S. Lewis Books are available online through

Open 24/7 and offering 25 % or more savings every day. Some come to buy 1 book and end up buying an entire bookstore! It is fun to own your own online bookstore!

Chronicles of Narnia ~ How The Magic Came To Life

Are you wondering how the magic of Narnia came to life?

Find Chronicles of Narnia books at Agape Cove ~ An online Christian bookstore.

To Visit the store:

Agape Cove offers readers a 40% discount on this featured book!

Find out how the magic of Narnia first came to life!

From the publisher: "Journeys to the end of the world, fantastic creatures, and epic battles between good and evil -- what more could any reader ask for in one book? The book that has it all is the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, written in 1949 by C. S. Lewis. But Lewis did not stop there. Six more books followed, and together they became known as The Chronicles of Narnia."

"For the past fifty years, The Chronicles of Narnia have transcended the fantasy genre to become part of the canon of classic literature. Each of the seven books is a masterpiece, drawing the reader into a world where magic meets reality, and the result is a fictional world whose scope has fascinated generations.This edition presents all seven books -- unabridged -- in one impressive volume. The books are presented here according to Lewis's preferred order, each chapter graced with an illustration by the original artist, Pauline Baynes. This edition also contains C. S. Lewis's essay "On Three Ways of Writing for Children," in which he explains precisely how the magic of Narnia and the realm of fantasy appeal not only to children but to discerning readers of all ages. Deceptively simple and direct, "The Chronicles of Narnia continue to captivate fans with adventures, characters, and truths that speak to all readers, even fifty years after the books were first published. "

Other Featured Chronicles of Narnia Books:

Decision Making Skills 101

How To Make Rightside Up Decisions In An Upside Down World

When you left home to go off to college or out into the world were you equipped with a "tool box for making good decisions? " What skills were part of that tool box? Has your tool box served you well in your life and enabled you to make good, sound decisions or have you made poor decisions in life because you lacked knowledge and skills about how to make good choices?

Are you teaching your children good decision making skills? Are you equipping your offspring with a decision making tool kit that will help them throughout their life? Most every parent wants to provide their children with the best possible life tools. But what happens when parents don't have time to do that? What happens when the parents might not even have the knowledge and skills themselves to teach their children good decision making techniques? In a world that is frequently so upside down, like a circus of dysfunction, and people are making important choices that have all the stability as a walk on a tightrope and the tumbling consequences of a roller coaster ride through Hell, one might be wise to pause and consider...

What are good decision making skills?

To find answers that I knew I could trust, I turned to the Bible as the ultimate resource. I invite you to do the same.

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron December 9, 2005

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bruna Bianco In The Rain Forest

Scantily clad in a thong bikini, lost and thirsting under a canopied rain forest, Bruna follows the splashing sounds she hears in the distance. As she draws nearer her eyes focus on a well, a fountain, and a spectacular waterfall. A voice that sounds like rushing water welcomes her and offers Bruna a drink. This drink is unlike any drink she has ever tasted before. It is a drink that Bruna will discover is the elixir of miracles.

It is here in this magical place with the voice that speaks words of refreshing wisdom and love that Bruna will find a rich and exotic garden that will satisfy her soul on the deepest and most profound levels.

It will change her life!

Have you ever felt like Bruna- lost and thirsting , yet unable to quench your thirst in a deeply satisfying way? Did you know that the ultimate thirst quencher is nearer than you might even realize? Within the very chamber of your being, is the golden key that will quench your thirst in the most superior and omnipotent way imaginable. It is for you! No matter who you are and what you have done. Maybe you have even lived a life of blatant opposition to the very goodness of God... maybe you have lived the life of an atheist and / or have worshipped man-made Gods that you ultimately discovered to your disappointment were empty, meaningless, and incapable of being able to save you.

Sssshhh.... won't you come now and listen with a spirit of anticipation to the voice whispering in the silence and calling you home? Calling you home to that ever so sacred home within the canopied rain forest of your own heart. It is in that cove of the soul, that you will find AGAPE!
May you embrace the AGAPE that you find and let it wash over you and renew your parched and thirsty spirit.

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron December 2005

Bruna Bianco Discovers A Hidden Spring

Parched and thirsty, Bruna Bianco has discovered a hidden spring where miracles happen.

What miracles did Bruna see and why are tears flowing down her beautiful face?

Interview With Bruna Bianco

The transcript of the Bruna Bianco interview with Agape Cove Living is scheduled to be posted soon. More details to be released as they become available.

Bruna Bianco Visits Agape Cove Living

Bruna Bianco visits Agape Cove Living looking for answers. What kind of answers was Bruna Bianco looking for and what answers did Bruna Bianco find at Agape Cove Living? Were they answers that could make a difference? Were they answers that could point Bruna Bianco in the right direction?

Monday, December 05, 2005

Living A Joyful Life In A Joyless Economy

Ten Secrets To Living A Joyful Life In A Joyless Economy

How do you find joy in a lopsided economy with massive disparity between the growth of corporate profits and the bottom line wages and salaries of the individual? What do you think when you listen to the words of President George Bush declare positive messages about the state of the economy or you read the words of economists like Paul Krugman, who paint pictures of a lopsided economic recovery that favors big corporation?

1. Don't worry about the state of the economy. Invest some money in something of value that will grow over a period of time. For example, I have invested a small amount of money in a home based business with an organization that has a mission and vision that is compatible with my personal values. It is an asset that I know will continue to grow and supply me with an income for the rest of my life. There is great joy for me in knowing that no matter what happens in the economy or the job market, my home based business is always going to be there for me. It provides me with a built in part time, full time, or supplemental income. The wonderful thing is I love growing this business and I can do it on my own schedule and on my own terms.

2. Get connected with your spiritual power supply. During periods of economic downturn, maybe you will find that the career or job you had invested your recent years in wasn't even really satisfying you on a deep level. By connecting with your creator, you might just realize there are some other routes you want to go at this juncture.

3. Spend time with the people you love.Think of all the things you can do that won't cost any money. Make a list!

4. Spend time doing the things you love. In a revved up economy you were probably too busy to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Now if you have time go do those things that float your boat!

5. Get creative and color outside the lines. Think outside the box! Have fun!

6. Go to the public library and check out an armful of books on subjects that appeal to you. Jumpstart your passions!

7. Take a class, the internet and your local community offers a number of free classes.

8. Make a list of all the things you want to do before you die and start doing them!

9. Volunteer!

10. Plant a garden, grow your own vegetables, get back to a simpler way of life!

A joyless economy - no way! It is all in your attitude. Perhaps it is a big mistake to link your joy to the state of the economy, because no matter how much or how little economic resources you have; you will never be truly happy. If money makes you happy, you will always want more, there will always be a greater gap to satisfy. On the day that you are dying, do you think you will be saying, "If I only made more money." The truth is a downward turn in the economy could actually provide a heavenward turn in the quality of joy in your life. For there is great joy in the simple things of life. There is great joy in spending quality time with the people we love. There is great joy in spending quality time in the pursuits we love. There is great joy in connecting with the true source of all joy and putting that relationship above all others. For that is the relationship that holds the key to the quality and abundance of joy in a person's life.
copyright (c) Kathi Dameron December 5, 2005

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Optimizing Magnificence

How can we optimize the magnificence within our beings? If the Holy Spirit is living within us... how should we optimize HIS presence for the highest good? That was a question I pondered as I read, studied, and meditated on Day 3 of the Miracle Master Mind Request, a 31 Day Adventure from Mary Robinson Reynolds. If you would like to know more about this unique adventure into
Miracle Mastermind Requests you can find a link, insights, and other thoughts on my Team Agape Cove blog.

Basically, here is my interpretation of today's lesson:

By using Jesus' secret formula, we too can optimize magnificence within our beings for the highest good.
1. Jesus always gave thanks first.
2. Jesus accepted and expected the highest good.

An easy formula for us could be something like this:
1. Lord, I give thanks for ____________________________________________
2. Lord, I request that ______________________________________________
Then lift your thanks and request upward by boldly accepting and expecting the highest good,
always recognizing that the highest good is God's will and not necessarily our will.

I encourage you to check out Mary's Miracle Mastermind Requests and ask the Lord to optimize the Holy Spirit within you for the highest good. Agape! Kathi

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron December 3, 2005

Friday, December 02, 2005

Blogging For Jesus

Blogging seems to be turning into a full time occupation for me these days! Go figure!
It is a blessing to have a place to deposit treasures from my heart in hopes that somewhere, someplace ~ something I have been led to post might touch someone else's life in a positive way.

The reason I have not posted as much in recent days on Agape Cove Living is because I now have 11 different blogs! So please check some of them out and let me know what you think!

You can connect to any of my blogs by clicking on my profile in the small light green box to the right. When you click on the profile it will open a new page that provides a directory type list of all the blogs I'm writing.

Today I started a new blog for brides and grooms to encourage them to invite God to their wedding. It is titled How To Plan & Create A Beautiful Wedding Reception Celebration.

Team Agape Cove is one of the blogs I have spent a good bit of time on lately. It is a blog I'm creating for all my new friends in Team Agape Cove and hopefully will be full of inspiration and resources to help us to soar to exciting new places in 2006.Such fun!!

I love blogging. Hopefully someone one day will read them and find an answer to a question or at least some food for thought. :) Agape! Kathi Dameron