Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Usher in SpringTime Tallahassee


We are planning to paint our Tallahassee living room, dining room and kitchen this spring and would like to co-ordinate the colors to blend harmoniously since all three rooms visually flow together. Do you know of a way we can see how different wall paint, ceiling paint and trim colors will look together?


There is nothing like freshly painted walls to usher in springtime. Actually you will find one of the most helpful resources for co-ordinating different colors and shades on the Internet. Picking Paint colors that you will love is only a click of your mouse away.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Beautiful Movie - The Serenity Prayer

Imagine the Serenity Prayer set to gorgeous images and beautiful sounds.

I'm not a big fan of any sort of forwarded e-mail. In fact I refuse to forward e-mail.

But this is beautiful. After watching it I thought this is so "Agape Cove." I should put a link to this on my blog. I hope it blesses your day as much as it did mine. Enjoy!!

View beautiful movie at

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Network and Build Good Relationships

"It is jungle out there!"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because doing business in today's competitive world is like a formidable, treacherous tangle of underbrush."

"Sounds like you need some secret strategies for success."

" Fire away! I'm listening."

"First of all your number one weapon is to network and build good relationships."

"How do I do that?"

"Do it everywhere you go. Never leave home without a daily supply of professional business cards."

Favorite HDMI Cable Resource

"We are looking for a cable supplier. Can you suggest a company that provides premium quality cable?"

"We only buy our cable from"

"Why? What do you like about them?"

"First of all they carry all of the cable products that we need. Their products are extremely high quality and deliver the clearest possible signal. As a result we see very stunning images. Plus they make shopping a breeze! They offer same day shipping."

"Well maybe we'll give your favorite cable resource a shot. I need to order HDMI cable today.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Looking Like A Million Dollars

"Wow! You like a million dollars! What is your secret?"

"I have a new hairdresser."

"Come now! Your hair looks great. But I'm talking about your body. I didn't even recognize you! If you hadn't stopped me, I would never have known that this thin gorgeous babe passing me in the produce aisle of the grocery store was you!"

"Life is full of surprises!"

"Well, whatever you are doing keep it up! I never realized that you were hiding such a beauty!"

"Oh stop!"

"So how did you manage to drop the weight? Tell me the truth have you been popping those popular Hoodia Diet Pills?"

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Yacht Charters

I don't know if I ever shared this on this blog before, but at this moment another example of how life is filled with so many interesting twists of serendipity dawns on me.

The name Agape Cove actually was birthed in my heart two years ago. Agape Cove is the name of a partially completed manuscript that I wrote exactly two years ago when I made the decision to write full time.

About two weeks ago I revisited my manuscript and really loved it! Sure it needs lots of rewriting, as all good writing does, but the idea struck me as one that might really work. Of course I'm probably rather biased, but I can actually picture Agape Cove as a great motion picture some day.

Anyway the point is that Agape Cove is an imaginary cove in the Florida Keys, in some rather small ways it resembled Queen's Cove on North Hutchinson Island where I lived during the 1980's when I was a young bride.

With the setting being on the waterfront, Yacht Charters played a unique role in the story and in the life of the residents and in the mysteries of Agape Cove.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Time For New Business Cards

Well, it is time for some new business cards! I wish I had kept a scrapbook with a copy of each of the different business cards I have used through the years.

But, I never thought to do that. I suppose I was so wrapped up in the day-to-day grind of getting it all done that little thought was ever given to scrapbooking the experience.

Fortunately the mind can be a great archive of details. Mine has been amazing me in recent years with its quick recall of all sorts of past story files.

Back to the point, I need business card printing to reflect my current career as a writer.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Vacation Planning

Imagine a family sitting around a crackling fire playing board games and charades on a cold and blustery winter weekend.

The topic of their next vacation is brought up and they begin brainstorming different vacation scenarios.

"Let's go to out west to a dude ranch and ride horses and go to rodeos" the oldest son says.

"Let's take a cruise to some tropical islands" the teen-aged daughter chimes in.

"I've got it!" the mom says with excitement " We can experience it all. Let's check in to Disney Vacation Rentals."

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Catching Up

So much has happened in my life since I started the Agape Cove Living Blog in November of 2005.

To date I have created over fifty different blogs. What started as a passionate obsession in late 2005, has grown into so much more.

I hope to share some of that with you, dear readers in perhaps future posts. And of course, bits and pieces of the last 14 months can be read on my collage of blogs. They perhaps don't tell the whole story, but they do reflect on part of my journey towards finding creative authenticity.

These days you will find a growing collection of posts with links to various sites.
These postings are paid assignments for different products and services. I enjoy the opportunity to create unique posts for the assignment. However just because I post for these products, doesn't imply that I am endorsing them. My job is to write a posting. As always I recommend that people perform their due diligence. Do the research and don't be sold a bill of goods by snazzy copy.

Such is the case with Weight Loss. This is one resource on the market that is available for people struggling with weighty diet issues. It is worth investigating for yourself to see if these products could provide a healthy and viable solution for you or a loved one.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Share First Aid Kits With The Less Fortunate

"What is stored in that trunk?"

"It is a good suprise! There are First Aid Kits in there."

"Super! We can use them! How many kits do you think there are?"

"At least two dozen."

"We won't need all of them. Let's give them out to the folks at church who can't afford very much. I always worry about some of those singles who live alone and struggle so to make ends meet."

"You are such a kind man! Your compassion and generosity brings tears to my eyes."

"It's good to be open to the Lord's whispers. That is just how my folks reared me in the good ole' days."

A Piece of Paradise In The North Georgia Mountains

"What I'm looking for is a piece of paradise. Perhaps a rustic, yet elegant log cabin up in the mountains of North Georgia. Somewhere away from the maddening crowd.
Perhaps on a lake or even with a meandering brook crossing the property. I'd like it to be a place where deer come up close and play on the property."

"You need to call Kay. Kay can help you find just the perfect piece of ellijay real estate."

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Mapping Out An Outer Banks Vacation

Vacationing along the shore is always a favorite way to spend a holiday. When I began mapping out my adventure, I knew that I wanted carefree days where I could sleep in, visit lighthouses, stroll along the beach, catch up on my reading, and dine on fabulous regional cuisine. Having been to so many different coastal communities through the years, there was one in particular that I hadn't had the opportunity to visit in many years.

"I wonder how the Outer Banks has changed over time." I mused.

"The Outer Banks is as fabulous as ever." My friend said.

"Where did you stay?" I asked my friend as I began estimating how much my trip might cost.

"We stay at a place where we have a gorgeous view. Would you like me to get you the contact information for Outer Banks Vacation Rentals?"