Sunday, December 25, 2005

The Greatest Gift!

Do you know the greatest gift that was ever given? The gift of the Messiah that was given over 2000 years ago that still continues to give today to you and to me and to our brothers and sisters everywhere in the same extraordinary way.

Like any gift we can accept it or decline it. We can appreciate it and let it become part of our life, or we can dismiss it and cast it aside.

Why don't some people get it? It breaks my heart to know that there are people all around us who decline and dismiss the most precious gift of all.

In studying the Bible, I have found that every prophecy that God spoke in the Old Testament about the coming of the Messiah was fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Thank You GOD!!!!

This is what Christmas is all about! It is the glorious celebration of the faithfulness of God and of his deep love for mankind that he cared enough to send us a SAVIOR!

And while our SAVIOR came born into the most humble of circumstances and the birth announcement went out to only a handful of listening shepherds on a hillside and a few listening wise men ~ it was the greatest birth the world will ever witness. What a miracle and gift that we can witness that divine birth anew in our hearts today. It doesn't have to be one day or one season a year, that witness and celebration is a gift we can accept anew every day and in every circumstance of our lives. In this coming year, it is my prayer that we savor the Celebration
of the Messiah ~ Jesus Christ in our hearts. It is also my prayer that we will be like the shepherds on the hillside and the wisemen, for they were quiet enough to listen, eager enough to know, and willing enough to follow!

But unlike the shepherds and the Wise Men, our place in history allows us to know the rest of the story. We know of the birth, we know of our Lord's ministry and miracles, we know of the horrible crucifixion, and we know of the glorious resurrection! It is my prayer that we would daily plug into the divine power supply that will electrify and unite our lives with the glorious and redeeming essence of the birth, ministry, miracles, and resurrection of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. It is a gift, won't you accept and savor it and share this greatest gift of all with every person you meet as you journey through this land on your way to your Heavenly home?

Merry Christmas! May the Spirit of Jesus Christ reign in glory forever and ever in the hearts, minds and actions of us all. Agape!

Copyright (c) Kathi Dameron December 25, 2005

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