Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year ~ Will 2006 Be Your Best Year?

Happy New Year and Welcome 2006 !

Ah, the birth of twelve beautiful, fresh blocks of time. Despite the vast differences in the available resources of nations and people, what an ironic gift that TIME, one of the greatest treasures of all is and always will be equally doled out. We all get the same measure of hours in a day and the same measure of days in a year, yet it is through our individual and unique responses that the differences play out like the notes of an opus. It is my prayer that 2006 will be played out like a spectacular symphony orchestrated under the divine leadership of the orchestra's conductor.

If you are mourning the loss of a loved one, may you find peace in knowing that your loved one is in the company of the divine and has merely gone on to the next stage of their spiritual journey. May you find peace in knowing that one day you will be reunited with all the loved ones that went ahead of you. May you accept that the gift of time has an equality that transcends anything our human minds can grasp, but let us all rest assured that this time on Planet Earth is simply a testing ground and your time here has a divine purpose.

Let us expand ourselves in authentic, passionate, and magnificent ways in this new year that stretches before us. Let us play out the music of our souls greater than we have ever done before. Can you hear it? Oh, can you hear it? The joyful sounds, the exuberant sounds, the tearful sounds ... all of the sounds that define us are beautiful and a part of the symphony of our lives that play out like a seasonal musical celebration of baby buds, spectacular gardens in bloom, autumn harvests, and frozen tear drops.

The greatest tragedy of this lifetime would surely be to depart this world having never shared
the sounds of one's soul. So as we look at the promise of a new year, may we make a promise to
our most authentic self to cast aside any generic mediocrity and embrace with passion the seasons of magnificence that sing in your innermost chambers. Do not keep your magnificence locked away! Find ways to share it with the world!!

Happy New Year!! Agape!!

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron January 1, 2006

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