Thursday, August 02, 2007

Do you ever feel like you just don't want to go somewhere? Whether in body, spirit or mind, you just feel a sense of discomfort. Can you just refuse? Cross your arms in front of you and simply say, "NO!"

Why is saying "No" so hard for some people?

Sometimes I wonder if this inability to say "NO" leads to things like eating disorders and the like.

I also wonder if over time it compounds into more serious complications, leading to illness and ultimately death.

Perhaps the solution is to trace the roots of this deadly weed and remove it from one's life altogether. But that is probably easier said than done. Especially when you have a weed that has been entangling itself in your life and your family's life for generations, and has affected every decision you have ever made.

For me, I have only found one true way to remove the weeds from my life. That way is to seek the continued guidance of my creator. For on my own I can not pull the weeds, but with his help, the weeds can be rooted out of the garden of my life, and then and only then can this garden bloom as He created it to bloom, long before I came along to inhabit it.

What in the world does all this have to do with the assignment titled padded panty?

All I can say is that writing for me is an excavation of sorts, a way to delve into the truest measure of myself. For on the surface, without pen or keyboard in hand, my inner authenticity can be shrouded in a wispy veil of mystery, or even covered in a blanket of dirt and humus.

Through writing the truth within is giving the voice to sing out... so sing out baby!

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