Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sometimes I don't know if I know life at all! I usually think I know what I want in life without a shred of uncertainty. But then the paradigm changes and I almost feel as though I'm gazing at life through the prism of a kaleidoscope, trying to make sense of it all.

For me, I am on a journey to total authenticity which means saying "NO" to the things that don't fit, and "YES" only to the things that resonate within. In the process, I see how much I worry about hurting other people's feelings or upsetting them. But at the expense of what... at the expense of my own authenticity? Do I shed precious bits of my own authenticity in the process?

For me the truest work is writing and creating in the quiet sanctuary of my office and in the gentle rhythm found in the tranquility that surrounds me during these times. I find refuge in the magic of words and the compelling visions that long to waltz from the fertile gardens of my imagination and find a home in a book of their own. Maybe a book that could one day be enjoyed by many, long after my days in this world have passed and I have graduated to the eternal place- the place of my real home.

But for today, this world's reality looms and calls my name and the existential struggle ensues between authenticity to do the work that my heart longs to do and the work that pays the bills. Perhaps one day that work will merge and become one and I will make a living doing what I was created to do.

In the meantime I will add links to products like modern office furniture, because they help support my efforts to be a writer in a small way. Other ways that that readers can help support my writing is to click on some of the links on my blogs. Those pennies add up, not to a whole lot, but to a little bit over time.

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