Saturday, November 19, 2005

Exclamation Point Living !

It was a day filled with all the promise and hope of a young bright eyed graduate on commencement day. She was not graduating today though , she had done that decades earlier.
And yet in a very real sense she was graduating and embarking on a new course. She had been given an opportunity to step back and assess her life. Horrified by the picture, she decided to make some changes. In the stillness of the morning she knelt beside her bed and asked the master for a new canvas, new brushes, new paint, and new experiences. Dear Lord, help me to paint each day as you would have me paint them. Help me to splash bold exclamation points of joy and your extraordinary love wherever you send me.

What picture do you see when you step back and reflect on the painting of your life? Do you see a copy instead of a masterpiece? Do you see blurred and washed out colors instead of rich vibrant strokes? Do you see the brush strokes of someone else, strokes that don't even come close to representing the drawings of your soul?

Ten Simple Secrets To Exclamation Point Living :

1. Set aside time to pray or meditate daily.

2. Set aside time to record your dreams, desires, and aspirations in a journal.

3. Read books that encourage you to move forward confidently in the direction of your dreams.

4. Be careful with whom you share your dreams. Make sure that they are people you can trust and who will be encouragers and not bulldozers of your sacred dreams.

5. Connect with others who also are inspired to exclamation point living.

6. Identify your fears and address them head on.

7. Reach up for purposes bigger than your own

8. Tell people what you appreciate about them.

9. Realize that obstacles are simply opportunities that are there to equip you to reach a much higher goal.

10. Ask for help and remember to give thanks and credit where it is due .

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron November 19, 2005

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