Wednesday, November 16, 2005

How To Pray Scripture

Do you know how to pray? Prayer is a deep and meaningful conversation with God. It goes way beyond the superficial. It goes deep into the heart and soul of who you are and who God is.

It is a two way conversation that will empower you to begin to understand and fulfill your purpose in this life. If you are like me, you might need to work through a bunch of layers first, though. The only right way to do that is by letting the Lord be the facilitator and allowing Him to cleanse you of all the inferior clutter that got embedded inside you along the way. Power wash us Oh Lord!

The following is an activity that I do often. It is very simple, yet quite powerful. I wish I had been taught to do this much earlier in my life. It would have made a big difference! Fortunately, God doesn't waste anything and HE allows us opportunities to teach others, so that maybe someone else will be saved from making the same kind of mistakes that we did. I hope so!

In the Bible, Jesus teaches us how to pray and I encourage you to look up the scriptures that describe those teachings.

The activity that I am going to tell you about is based on whatever scripture you happen to be studying.

Step 1 : Read the scripture.

Step 2: Copy the scripture.

Step 3: Write a personal prayer for each scripture asking God to open your spiritual eyes to understanding what message He wants to teach you and then to help you manifest this wisdom in your life according to His will.

Step 4: Take it to the next level! Think about it, meditate on it, write it on you heart, and share it with others!

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron November 16, 2005

Links to Other Blogs: EvangelicalAggregator

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