Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Stirrings From a Spiritual & Gourmet Chef

Soups, Chowders, and Stews

While not as sophisticated as many of its culinary cousins, a lovingly executed soup, chowder, or stew on a cold and blustery winter day offers substantial fare that transports the soul into
lingering moments of gustatory heaven. As far as food goes there is nothing in the culinary world that can quite compare to the nourishing satisfaction created by the slow simmering synergy of a few choice humble ingredients. The depth and richness can not be denied.

Are you hungering for something that will satisfy you to the depths of your soul? Once upon a time I mistakenly believed I could find that deep and abiding satisfaction in a rich bowl of soup, chowder, stew, or some sophisticated gourmet adventure. Believe me... I tried! Tried so hard to satisfy deep and unquenchable hungers that never seemed to go away.

"Kathi..." a voice whispered to me in the stillness "you are hungering for something far deeper. No matter how much you eat, you will never satisfy your hunger. You have been self medicating yourself. But honey you've grossly misdiagnosed your condition! Your hunger is spiritual, not physical! There is only one place to satisfy your hunger. Do you want to know
how to satisfy that hunger," the voice asked.

copyright (c) November 9, 2005 by Kathi Dameron

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