Monday, January 14, 2008

"God never forgets what he is doing with us." I heard this statement a couple years ago in a sermon at a church I happened to be visiting one Sunday morning. The words hit a chord deep in my soul. It was as if it had been ordained by divine orchestration that I hear those words on that particular day. They filled me with an inexplicable hope that all that I had been through during my life was not lost. I began to see an outline emerging, an outline of connect the dots that in God's hands could be used for purposes beyond my scope of understanding. Now that a few years has passed since first hearing those words, I have come to a place of deep and abiding faith in knowing and believing that our GREAT & WONDROUS GOD has not forgotten anything that he has done with us, even though in our human weakness, brokeness and spiritual frailities we might.

Last night I was working late at my desk and a telephone call came in from another time zone. The caller didn't realize that I lived in Florida and apolized for the lateness of the call. The amazing thing is that the call couldn't have come at a better time. The call was based on a seed that I planted in August of 2005... 2 1/2 years ago.

While the call was profound on many levels, the real take away lesson for me is the call I hear whispered deep in my interior to return to the spiritual blogging that I first started with on Agape Cove Living. Somehow I've moved away from that inner desire to share through my blogs the amazing things that God does in my life every day. Sadly I have gotten too caught up in political correctness and have silenced the voice that sings the amazing melodies in my heart. The voice that would often whisper... "Kathi, write this in your blog."

I will try to abide more in HIS will and less in mine. I will try to be a bold voice on the world wide web, that shares golden nuggets from the heavens above.

Even though the Agape Cove Bookstore is no more, the desire that I feel to tie together the spiritual and gourmet are not dead. From a blogging assignment for communion invitations to the exciting possibilities for organizing foreign food tours with a spiritual flavors. God's orchestration? I believe so because HE NEVER FORGETS WHAT HE IS DOING WITH US!

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