Sunday, September 21, 2008

"My lips are zipped," I said just before pulling my fingers across my pursed lips.

"I know what you are up to!" He said.

I eyed him curiously wondering what he knew. My mind raced as I delved deeper into my memory bank. Could he really know?

He reached over and gently traced the line of my mouth with his strong, tanned fingers.

"They are unzipped now. Now talk! I want to know everything!"He said as his eyes gazed into mine.

"I can't. It's confidential," I whispered. My heart felt as though it could leap out from my my silk blouse.

"Confidential? I can appreciate confidential, except when it has to do with me and my future. You know things, don't you?"

Biting my lip, I considered my options. I could spill everything to him or perhaps I could divert his attention. But even I knew that he was far too shrewd to let this conversation be diverted. He wanted to know and he wanted to know now. Did I not owe him at least that? And if I did tell him, what would be the consequences or even worse if I didn't tell him, how much greater would be the consequences.

Oh how I wished I could just fly away at that very moment.

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