Friday, April 13, 2007

New Diet Challenge

Dieting is a challenge. I've been breezing along, dropping an average of about ten pounds each month. To date I have lost sixty pound. I feel great!

Yet, now with a new project underway, I can see a new challenge arising. Each month I'll be jaunting to a different coastal restaurant as part of my coastal culinary odyssey.

On Tuesday night we jaunted to a most fabulous restaurant in Apalachicola, Florida. The food was awesome, but ever since Tuesday night it has been difficult to get the fabulous taste off my mind.

I wonder if something like hoodia might help me.

1 comment:

Carl said...

Ever since I had gastric bypass surgery in March of 2006 I've lost about 160 pounds. So good luck with your diet.

At which Apalachicola restaurant did you dine? The last time my wife and I were there we ate at the Owl Café.

Many times when we drive down past Crawfordville, we stop at Posey's in Panacea for some gumbo.