Monday, March 19, 2007


I love reading success stories about businesses that begin with a simple but solid idea, and through principles of integrity, and tilling the soil of hard work produce a fruit where one didn't previously exist.

Today's spotlight looks at a company that began over a half century ago in 1951 when two men had an idea for starting a business.

Their venture was to market inexpensive, yet dependable life insurance protection to Americans who were living in rural areas.

They opened shop in Oklahoma. Through the years their enterprise grew by leaps and bounds and over fifty years later they are described as a prominent force within the insurance industry. The company now has 2.5 million policies in force, and over $30 billion of insurance with $1.4 billion in assets.

Today you don't have to live in Oklahoma to benefit from the fruit of this company. The insurance products are sold near and far. For example, I was recently contemplating getting some Funeral Insurance.

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