Friday, March 16, 2007

A Treasure Chest of Inspirations

"What kind of writing do you do?" a new acquaintance recently asked me.

"My writing is rather an eclectic collage, sort of like my decorating style. If I were to try to define the essence of it... perhaps I would categorize my style as fitting more in the home, garden and entertaining niche."

"Maybe you can help me."

"I would love to try."

"We are doing some home remodeling. Jim's daughter is getting married and so we are converting her former bedroom into a new space. But we need help. We don't know what we want to do."

"A good place to begin is by browsing furniture collections online. With the click of a mouse you'll come away with a treasure chest of inspirations. Why don't you start by clicking on Coaster Furniture?"

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